Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Help Me... hehe

1 week i will be having surgery. I am excited for the pain to go away, but scared out of my wits because there has only been twice in my life i've been out for something. 1 was my tonsils removed and 1 was when i had an ulcer check done. Neither one was after high school so my mom was always there waiting for me when I was done and comforting me. Now i am an adult and honestly im scared. I also have a freak out during something major and I am scared of what i will say or do before they get me knocked out for this.

Sabrina has another after school dentention tomorrow. She is not doing her school work or listening to the teacher. I have no idea what is going on and she won't talk to me. I am almost tempted to cry over all of this.

Aja had a field trip on Monday and oh man she had fun. She went to a healthworks museum which teaches kids how to keep their bodies healthy. She played on the slide mainly but she had a blast going down the slide off n on for pretty much 90mins haha!

Osiris went along on the field trip and he had a blast on the lightboard. they had a section of the floor that did a light show n osiris was in love haha. He had a blast though, came home n took a 3hr nap hehe.

Thaddeus goes on Friday for his 4 month check-up. I can't believe its that time already. It feels too soon for that but yet feels like he is older than that. hehe i am so weird i know.

I am ready for #5 to start now, but not going to rush it or try, just let it happen when it happens.

My nephew was born last friday, weighing in at 7lbs 10ozs and 19 inches long. I will get to see him Easter Saturday when I go pick up the girls from my mom and stepdads. While on the phone with my mom as she was telling me the details of his birth, her and i laughed at something. My oldest nephew will be 3 in sept, osiris will be 2 in october, thad will be 1 in nov, and so far no birth in dec. so 3,2,1,0 haha! Intersting yet kind of creepy at the same time.

I ordered some Lactate support to help with my nursing. I am not ready to admit defeat yet. I want to give it one last hooraw and see what happens.

I will be having a yard sale sometime soon to sell some of my deal goodies. I have loads and well wont charge an arm or leg for it. Im going to sell it cheap so i can help others and make a lil profit on it.

well i guess for now that alls i have to say/write/tell.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Few Things

Well I have my surgery scheduled for 4-8-09 @ 11:45am. The day before Sabrina turns 7. 7yrs ago at that time I was in a hospital being induced. What are the odds of that happening? Being in the hospital 7yrs to the exact day for something. Depending on the girls dad will depend on what happens. I know their dad is coming up for Sabrina's party on Saturday the 4th. He might just take them home with him and then take them to my moms later but not sure. If not my mom will get the girls on Wednesday morning and take me to the hospital on her way out of town. Then Rick and the boys will have to come get me.

We are not sure what is going on with Sabrina. She is getting in trouble a lot lately. She had after-school detention last week. She has had 4 days of color changes. Different levels of warnings before she is really in trouble. This really all started too when her dad told her that him n his mom were coming to visit on Sunday. After she heard that she started not paying attention. Hrmm anyone else find that odd? I know I do. Aja also has been a pita lately since hearing her dad was coming. I don't think either of the girls expected him to show but he did. they went to CEC (Chuck E Cheese) and spent about 2hrs there.

the boys are doing well. I think Thad might have a cold, all he seems to want to do is sleep lately. Osiris actually slept thru the night 2 nights in a row WOOHOO!! *knocks on wood* I wonder how long it will last, though.

Last night we had a visitor at the house at 4am. They were shining their very bright spotlight into the bedroom window. The police were looking for someone connected with a homicide in Cassopolis, MI. They were told his address was ours. Nope its not. The cop did say he bets it was the house 2 doors up from ours but they just up and moved in less than 1 day on sunday. Interesting too. The homicide happened on march 9th and the lady n her kids n friends all moved by sunday. Interesting huh? I didn't think so when i was woke up from a nice deep sleep. I made the mistake of going back to sleep and then slept like crap. HA!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Aja's Appt

Well on early afternoon Thursday Aja and myself loaded up into the van for our journey down to Riley. I really hate that drive for a 10-20 minute appt. I get her set-up with her dvd player and dora movie, then I get myself read for the boring drive -- removing my shoes, jacket, and opening my can of coke. We take off and settle in. We stop in Kokomo for a potty break and lunch. We continue down the road and arrive at Riley. Aja was really good all the way there. Her appt went well for the most part. Her doctor said she was gaining well and growing. He is running some blood work to check her bone growth levels, since she has been complaining her legs hurt alot. He also ordered a rerun of a stool culture test to check for fat. So as long as both of those come back normal then she is done down at Riley. Let me tell ya I will be glad to stop going there. I will miss some of the parents/kids we encounter there and make friends with.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

See Surgeon Next Tuesday

I see the general surgeon next Tuesday for my gallbladder removal. Hopefully it goes well. I am actually very scared to have this surgery but not afraid of a c-section hehehehe, go figure. I got my script for Zoloft again today and praying it kicks in soon so I can feel better again.

Sabrina is doing really well in school. I visited her last week 2 days for lunch. I am crazy because the school lunch food was actually good. the pizza on Friday OH MAN just like I remember school pizza.

Aja is looking forward to our Mommy/Daughter day on Thursday. She likes it when we go alone because it means we has me all to her self for at least 7hrs haha.

Osiris has been a major ham lately, when he is not screaming his head off. I just love the way he cheesy smiles at us. He loved the weather last week, he got to play outside.

Thaddeus has finally been staying awake longer during the day. He is growing so fast, someone make him stop please or at least slow down. I miss him being my tiny newborn. Now he is my chunky baby hehe. He is so precious and sweet though.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Long couple weeks

Well, the kids are feeling better for the most part. Thaddeus has a cold again. He was taken outside last night in only a onesie. I didn't do that but we won't go into those details right now. Hopefully he will get over this cold very soon.

Sabrina's program for Black History went well. She did really good. I will sometime soon get the video uploaded to myspace. She is doing really well in school. she is "forgetting" to do some homework but only because she claims to forget just because she doesn't want to do it. Smart kid huh?

Aja is excited for her field trip later this month. She is also excited to be back in school but upset she has to leave 1/2 day. She will im sure get used to it soon and if not then well school only has 2 more months to go haha!

Osiris is a smarty pants. He is getting on his tip-toes and trying to turn the door knobs. I guess he has spent alot of time watching everyone else do it now he wants to be like us. He is loving the nice spring like weather we have been having. He has been able to go outside and play with his sisters and the dogs. I can already tell he is going to have a blast this summer outside.

Thaddeus like I said has a cold. He is doing alright with it really. He is not liking the formula too much, though. So mommy went and got some Fenugreek so I can make enough breastmilk for him. Hopefully it will kick in soon and start working. I had to take it once before when I was nursing Aja and it worked wonders. I am really hoping for the same thing again this time.

Aja has her final appointment at Riley on Thursday, I am ready for the appointment because that means last time I have to make a 6hr round trip for a 15 minute appointment.

The girls dad is purchasing them a mini-van which of course they can't drive so I guess I am getting a mini-van haha! I am very thankful to him and can't tell him enough.
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