Osiris threw up all over the place and himself last night about 930. So I called the on-call doc again and asked his advice. He said take him to the ER for an antibiotic i.v. Okay I did that and they didn't want to do that. The ER doc called the on-call doc and they agreed on something else. They admitted Osiris for the hospital until he can keep food down and start showing some improvement with his bowel movements. I was up for 23 1/2hrs before finally getting some sleep this morning while sharing a very uncomfy fold chair/bed that I had to share with Osiris because he would not sleep in the crib. I didn't mind sharing because I knew where he was, how he was, and felt better. So at quarter til 8 a Rick calls and says I need to get home. It took me 2hrs to leave Osiris because I just felt so bad and couldn't listen to him cry. The nurse went in there and said she would rock him or just hold him if that's what he needed.
that's my update for now. I need to try and get a nap in since Thaddeus is taking a nap. I will also be watching Thaddeus because I don't really want him in the hospital and then both boys being in 2 different hospitals. I REALLY need to get the girls and osiris switched doctors so all the kids can go to the same doctor and same hospital.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
I feel HORRIBLE!!!
I have no idea how this happened but I feel so horrible it did. I blame myself and think back to how it might have happened. Osiris has had diarrhea for about a week now. On Wednesday I took him to the doctor because he had 8 diarrhea diapers in less than 6hrs. He would not eat anything so I was worried also the night before he just screamed for over an hr like he was in severe pain. So the doctor was not going to do anything since Aja had diarrhea problems in Nov. 2007 thru late last year. I made the comment that maybe Osiris has IBS since Rick has it also. The doctor said it is possible and told me to just give him pedialyte for 36hrs and see what happened. Well I asked about a stool culture because the diarrhea (TMI) smelled horrible (like rotten eggs) and was pastel yellowish looking to neon greenish looking. The doctor order the culture and I am glad I asked for it.
The stool culture came back positive for Campylobacteriosis. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Campylobacteriosis
I have no idea how he got it. He started projectile vomitting last night and it smells horrible!!! I am worried because now Thad is acting the same way as Osiris was at first. I have a call into the on-call doctor for Thad and waiting to see what he says. Just keep the kids in your thoughts please.
The stool culture came back positive for Campylobacteriosis. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Campylobacteriosis
I have no idea how he got it. He started projectile vomitting last night and it smells horrible!!! I am worried because now Thad is acting the same way as Osiris was at first. I have a call into the on-call doctor for Thad and waiting to see what he says. Just keep the kids in your thoughts please.
Friday, May 29, 2009
How is it my fault his bank account over-drafted 97 cents? when he is the one who told me to use his account to pay the recycling bill from there? I mean I was going to use the business account but he insisted on his personal account! UGH!!!! He now expects me to pay his over draft charge. Uh not happening, no way! I have enough things to pay for for each week. I am the one that does the main covering of purchases for all the kids. He only helps with things if I don't have enough each week to get everything.
I could scream and smack him. I am so tired Osiris woke up at 6:15a and I had to get up with him and i am ready for a nap but nope can't do that because he can't watch the kids for an hr or so.
okay done venting for now.
I could scream and smack him. I am so tired Osiris woke up at 6:15a and I had to get up with him and i am ready for a nap but nope can't do that because he can't watch the kids for an hr or so.
okay done venting for now.
Local Toddler needs help
"Michael was born Aug. 30, 2007, six weeks before his due date. Because his kidneys were undersized, he was immediately taken to Riley Hospital for Children in Indianapolis and diagnosed with end stage kidney disease. Michael now needs a kidney transplant."
here is a link for more info.
"Michael was born Aug. 30, 2007, six weeks before his due date. Because his kidneys were undersized, he was immediately taken to Riley Hospital for Children in Indianapolis and diagnosed with end stage kidney disease. Michael now needs a kidney transplant."
here is a link for more info.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Interesting Weekend
So Saturday was not much fun. I was just not really feeling well. So I just kind of went thru the day in a very sluggish way.
Sunday was an early start and it was a long day. Woke up at 4:30 laid in bed until 6. Got my shower and kids ready and loaded and left. We had to make several stops along the way to grandma's. Got there and kissed the kids and went to the race. We got there and had to park a mile away. We walked the trip across the parking lot, get in line for our tickets, walk to the track. We had to walk 1/2 way around the track to get to our seats. OH MAN! My legs and feet were killing me! Get up there and sit down right as they make the first hit at the backstretch of the track. It was an overcast day so I didn't put any sunscreen on. Big mistake haha! My shoulders and chest look like I'm part lobster. When Tony Kanaan kissed the wall and went out for the race I was right infront of it and it scared the crap outta me! I got some pics of the debris.
Today was a fun day but not ready for it after yesterday. LOL!
Sunday was an early start and it was a long day. Woke up at 4:30 laid in bed until 6. Got my shower and kids ready and loaded and left. We had to make several stops along the way to grandma's. Got there and kissed the kids and went to the race. We got there and had to park a mile away. We walked the trip across the parking lot, get in line for our tickets, walk to the track. We had to walk 1/2 way around the track to get to our seats. OH MAN! My legs and feet were killing me! Get up there and sit down right as they make the first hit at the backstretch of the track. It was an overcast day so I didn't put any sunscreen on. Big mistake haha! My shoulders and chest look like I'm part lobster. When Tony Kanaan kissed the wall and went out for the race I was right infront of it and it scared the crap outta me! I got some pics of the debris.
Today was a fun day but not ready for it after yesterday. LOL!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
ultrasound 10wks 2days
So I have another u/s done today. This was at the womens clinic . It was funny. It almost looked like baby knew someone was watching and started to wave. Also we saw the little mouth moving, it looked like baby was singing and dancing to some really good music. It was so cute! this baby is going to be a mover I can tell. I am almost feeling a sense done being done but still really not so sure. I guess its a good thing I still have plenty of time.

First Toad
Osiris got so excited today when Rick showed him a toad. He was laughing and waving his arms. He was so excited for it. He just couldn't contain himself. It was funny. Aja screamed because she is in this afraid of everything phase. It was funny. Osiris touched the frog once and then decided that was enough ha! We moved the frog to the neighbors garden after she said it was okay. Osiris waved bye-bye to the toad and ran away.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Spring Concert
Sabrina's school had the spring concert last Thursday. It was kind of cheesy but it was a lot of fun. The music teacher made sure to find a good way to keep the audience interested in what was going on. Sabrina and a boy from her class, I swear were flirting with each other ha! They were tickling and fighting and talking with each other and a few other classmates. It was funny. Sabrina is excited for school to be over soon but sad because she is going to miss seeing her friends and her teacher.
I had my 1st official doctor's appointment last Friday. The doctor was shocked to see me. He told me when he saw my chart he told another doctor "she just delivered not that long ago, I delivered her baby". They laughed about it actually and said well it was a cold winter. LOL! He told me to take it easy and not risk anything to big with my leg. So I'm watching it and trying not to over do it. I might be seeing the high-risk doctor at the hospital but was told that depends on what happens during this pregnancy. I am also going to be watched for windowing in my uterus. So if its found to have some they will look at doing my c-section early. I made a comment to the doctor that as long as it was at least Dec. 1st I wouldn't mind haha.
Aja's last day of school is tomorrow. Her closing program is tomorrow night. She is going to pass out the invites for her birthday party next month to her friends tomorrow. She is excited but sad. She has cried every night for a few days about missing her friends and teacher over the summer.
I am excited and looking forward to next Sunday. My sister is going to babysit the kids and Rick and I are going to the Indy 500 race. It will be an interesting day. I hope my leg can handle it.
I had my 1st official doctor's appointment last Friday. The doctor was shocked to see me. He told me when he saw my chart he told another doctor "she just delivered not that long ago, I delivered her baby". They laughed about it actually and said well it was a cold winter. LOL! He told me to take it easy and not risk anything to big with my leg. So I'm watching it and trying not to over do it. I might be seeing the high-risk doctor at the hospital but was told that depends on what happens during this pregnancy. I am also going to be watched for windowing in my uterus. So if its found to have some they will look at doing my c-section early. I made a comment to the doctor that as long as it was at least Dec. 1st I wouldn't mind haha.
Aja's last day of school is tomorrow. Her closing program is tomorrow night. She is going to pass out the invites for her birthday party next month to her friends tomorrow. She is excited but sad. She has cried every night for a few days about missing her friends and teacher over the summer.
I am excited and looking forward to next Sunday. My sister is going to babysit the kids and Rick and I are going to the Indy 500 race. It will be an interesting day. I hope my leg can handle it.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Offical EDD
I have my official EDD 12/13/2009. I still find it hard to believe that I got a positive result at 3wks 4days pregnant. My mom said anything is possible. I just wonder if the baby is measuring small with being on the lovenox? I guess really no way to tell. I will take the EDD. My mom wants me to try and hold out to have my c-section until 12/9 so i can deliver on my birthday. I told her depends on when my favorite doctor will be on. below is a pic from the ultrasound from today.

Some comments people make
I really don't understand why I still get upset when people try to make me feel bad because I am having another c-section after having 4 in the past. If my doctors truly felt it was a problem they would tell me and seriously advise me not to have anymore. Some comments I've recently heard/read really bother me. "I feel we have a great chance to accomplish something with a vaginal birth". I accomplish something too a healthy happy baby in this world. "Our bodies were designed to give birth vaginally". Well not all womens bodies are. "Women have been giving birth vaginally for centuries". You don't hear of the women who died during child birth because they were not able to have a vaginal birth and had to be cut open and died after-wards.
Anyways, Osiris is feeling better but still running a fever. Thaddeus is such a cutie and ham. He loves to smile and feel asleep today in his rocker and he looked like a chubby cabbage patch doll, it was sweet. Sabrina is refusing to do her work at school and spent the morning in the principals office. Aja got to see her teacher's week old grandbaby today. she was beautiful. I want another little girl.
Anyways, Osiris is feeling better but still running a fever. Thaddeus is such a cutie and ham. He loves to smile and feel asleep today in his rocker and he looked like a chubby cabbage patch doll, it was sweet. Sabrina is refusing to do her work at school and spent the morning in the principals office. Aja got to see her teacher's week old grandbaby today. she was beautiful. I want another little girl.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Osiris is sick
We were supposed to go down to my moms today. She asked us to stay home and save the gas money. I went with Aja to get some things from Wal-mart and Kroger. We made a stop at the meat market and then went home. I get home to have Rick tell me Osiris feels hot. I feel his head and he is very warm. I get his temp 101! I asked Rick what he gave Osiris to drink while I was gone (I was gone almost 4hrs btw) and he told me "Nothing". I was so mad! I go get what tylenol I have and give Osiris his dosage amount. Give him some pedialyte and lay him down for a nap. ( I go sneak a nap for myself too hehe.) Once he woke up he was hotter than before. Temp 101.5. I give some more pedialyte and tylenol (at that point tylenol was empty now) and go start supper. After supper I take his temp and its 102. So I decided to take him to the Urgent Care Center. Doc there said with the symptoms he has Osiris has the Stomach Flu. Just how I wanted to spend my Mother's Day weekend. So we had to cancel going to Rick's moms tomorrow. I just don't want to get anyone down there sick also. I will be up alot tonight to check on him and check his temp. We did stop at Walgreens and get some more tylenol and motrin, a box of those cool forehead thingies haha, a box of temp reading sticker things for under the armpit.
Hoping he feels better tomorrow.
Hoping he feels better tomorrow.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Girl name
I think I have found a girl name I really like. As most of you know I really like unique names to the US. So when I saw this I feel in love and know that I know how to say it I like it even better haha. The name is.....
Means "violet flower", derived from Greek ιον (ion) "violet" and ανθος (anthos) "flower". This was the name of an ocean nymph in Greek mythology.
It would be said EE-An-Thee. I love it and the meaning. The name would be Ianthe Marie R. I have no current ideas for a boy name. I am thinking girl since I am having horrible acne, and craving sweets. the chinese gender chart and other old wives tales all say girl. So we shall see later this year.
It would be said EE-An-Thee. I love it and the meaning. The name would be Ianthe Marie R. I have no current ideas for a boy name. I am thinking girl since I am having horrible acne, and craving sweets. the chinese gender chart and other old wives tales all say girl. So we shall see later this year.
Appt Today
I had my nurse visit to get the appointments at the office started for this pregnancy. The nurses were all shocked I was back already. One nurse went to tell all the other nurses and she told me you know you can come to visit us without being pregnant, I laughed and told her but thats not as much fun haha. It was alittle small reunion. It was a good relaxing morning. A 15 minute appointment turned into 1hr with the nurse and 20 minutes with the lab tech to draw my blood. They wished me luck and told me if i need anything let them know. I have an ultrasound at the doctors office on Monday. Finally an ultrasound by someone who has a clue. Rick is taking me out tonight (with the kids also) for my Mother's Day dinner since this weekend we are going out town both days.
Aja didn't go to school today but she has loved spending the day at home today. So we are supposed to take the kids to the park once Sabrina gets home from school. Osiris is a bugger butt. He is climbing on the table as soon as the adult walks out of the room and then dances on the table. Its funny but not safe. I don't let him see me laugh either. Right now he is pushing a little rocking chair around on the floor and dancing to the music on a commercial. Thad is smiling at me and laughing because i keep asking him silly questions.
So far today it has started off and going much better than yesterday.
Aja didn't go to school today but she has loved spending the day at home today. So we are supposed to take the kids to the park once Sabrina gets home from school. Osiris is a bugger butt. He is climbing on the table as soon as the adult walks out of the room and then dances on the table. Its funny but not safe. I don't let him see me laugh either. Right now he is pushing a little rocking chair around on the floor and dancing to the music on a commercial. Thad is smiling at me and laughing because i keep asking him silly questions.
So far today it has started off and going much better than yesterday.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Pondering Life
I love my kids they are worth everything in the world to me. I love Rick but sometimes I really ask myself "Why?". He really doesn't seem to understand pregnancy at all and this is year number 3 in a row of it. By now you'd think he'd have some sort of clue! So I ponder life as to if I could make it on my own with 5 kids (after the baby is born). I know it would be hard but I know if I worked hard I could do it. Of course at first I would need my moms help to get settled and the sitter situation. Sometimes I also wonder why me? What did I do in life that was so wrong to have to be made to feel like this? ...... Rick and I grew up in different ways and they clash so much at times. I was always made to feel when I was a kid that my moms bed had a spot for me at times if needed. Not all the time but at times when she was going to nap once in awhile or at night if I was scared. Well Rick is absolutely against that. He has a hard time even letting me nurse at night because the baby would be sleeping in the bed until i woke up to move him/her or until the next feeding. At first I could tell you that everything was great with us but as time goes on more an more I realize that something just is not right here anymore. It makes me sad and angry at the same time. My stress level is so high my left eyebrow is always twitching. I prolly shouldn't make this post but I need to see it in writing for awhile before I delete it. So feel free to pass it on by.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Well its Monday
Sabrina's appt got moved from Riley to a local doctor. Insurance said since there was a local doctor they wouldn't pay for the Riley visit. Works for me since its a long drive and I always get super sleepy on the way back. It makes for a long day.
We are still awaiting for the results of Aja's last few tests. Osiris is a stinker. He is always on the go or into something.
I survived the weekend. Not sure how but I did. I've been cramping and trying to take it easier than before the cramping. So far no bleeding. If it gets more intense I am going to the ER.
We are still awaiting for the results of Aja's last few tests. Osiris is a stinker. He is always on the go or into something.
I survived the weekend. Not sure how but I did. I've been cramping and trying to take it easier than before the cramping. So far no bleeding. If it gets more intense I am going to the ER.
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