Monday, April 15, 2013

Oh Joy

I had some lab work done last week because i started seeing a new doctor and they wanted to check my sugar and cholesterol. Cholesterol was good... sugar not so much came back pre diabetic. My mom, an aunt, and uncle are diabetic which i figured i would have a chance in life to be one as well. The nurse told me the doctor said to make some changes .. low carb, low fat, low sugar and high protein. I live in a house with 6 men (one being my husband) and I don't always cook the meals because of being at work. it's rare for me to drink pop but when i do i partake in the diet stuff and no more than 24oz in a day.  ... back to track now ... i have been researching online things to do and i can't seem to find a good source of information. The doctor won't give me a guideline ruling until after my A1C comes back (which was done today). Something I have noticed is that back in march around the 6th i started having low sugar issues and now I am having high sugar issues. i can be 109 at first wake up then be 79 3hrs later(after eating a bowl of cocoa puffs). i've had it go up to 204 in the last week while I was at work. I chugged 20oz bottle of water and went back to work. i guess i will start watching my carb intake and monitoring sugars more closely. i can do this!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Finally making strides

I am slowly feeling better but not 100%. taking each day one at a time. It gets hard at times to think of all the things i am missing in my kids lives. I am letting them down and I know it. I wish i could be there for them all every day likes I was before I had my break down. Right now that is not possible. I know things are finally starting to look up because I am actually doing adult like things. I pay the 2 cell phone bills and van insurance every month on time. This month I started to pay on past due medical bills. I can't just keep ignoring them, they won't go away. So yay for me for finally realizing things are MY responsibility and I have to tend to them. Took me a few years but I am finally making progress and it shows. I am saving some money back for a day out with 3 of the grand kids in June and then whatever money is left is going into the attorney fund so I can get visitation with my kids. I miss them all so very much!!

I am losing weight and have lost 41lbs. so great progress for me. I am back to pre Aja pregnancy weight which feels good. Slowly working my way down to pre Sabrina pregnancy weight. That will take a little time but I am up for the challenge. I am sticking with them because I have noticed some major improvements in my health in just the 41lbs I have lost. I can breathe a lot easier and my legs don't hurt as much. One thing that has happened since last year and the weight gain is that my cycles are very irregular and it is difficult to get pregnant. Which i guess isn't a complete bad thing for my body but I would love to have one more and then call it quits. Oh how I want to show the world what a changed person I have become since Sept 2011. I have faith that all things are happening for a reason. I am happy with the amount of kids I have brought into this world and love them very much. I am thankful for Don having enough love for me to give me a chance. He has some wonderful grand kids who are a lot of fun to be around. I really can't wait to meet the rest of the grand kids and be apart of their lives as well. 

I have been working at Meijer for 6 months now, which for me lately is a big progress. I do miss working at Royal Excursion at times because of the money and people i would drive around. I miss my grocery store people, they were a blast to be around. I enjoy working at Meijer because my co-workers make it fun, the customers for the most part as grateful for friendly cashiers and give us thanks when we do a good job. I always do my absolute best to make they check out as fast, friendly, and pleasant as possible. I have learned you can't please everyone but I still try my best.

I guess really i am trying to prove to myself that I can do what it takes to be the best person I can be and I am ready for whatever life brings my way. 

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