Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Year approaching real soon

Oh man what happened to this last year? It is has gone by so fast. I feel like I just had Thad and here he is already 13 months old and I have another new little guy. The girls are off to their First Visit to the Ocean right now. Rick was being very helpful for a little while and now he is back to before, -- No Help At All. He doesn't want to have another baby yet but he won't stop bugging me to give it up. Osiris has been vomiting off n on since yesterday now and somehow Rick feels this is my fault. Scratching my head to figure how what I did to make the kid throw up... I know my stomach is hurting like it is upset (prolly related to my gallbladder still needing removed).

anyways for the new year like I said I have some plans already set-up ready to go.

  1. Take money aside each week for certain bills
  2. Balance and track my spending better
  3. Track my savings at all stores so I can see what it is
  4. Try to relax more
  5. Lose some weight
The weight lose thing is off to a good start. I am already back down to my pre-pg Leo weight (3-4 month post delivery of Thad weight).  My starting weight is 216 and by 2yrs from now I would like to be 165. So I am giving myself 2yrs to lose 51 lbs. Not too hard to do. Heck I might do it sooner if I keep up what is going on now. Only time will tell, I will not be upset if I do not make it by the end of 2010.

I am going to do more work on getting everything ready and in place in case I need it to be a single parent of 5. I know it will be hard work but I honestly feel that the girls might relax more and be able to be kids like they should be. Their dad has told me that neither of them are wearing pull-ups to bed like here at home, that just makes me feel like complete CRAP! knowing that my girls are more relaxed there than here. I do understand why they are that way though, their dad is a lot more lax on things than Rick is.

Well I guess I must end this session since I have 2 boys crying... one wants fed and the other wants out of his bed. 

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas to All!

Merry Christmas to All! Or if you prefer --- Happy Holidays!

Christmas morning I got to sleep in and I was shocked. I was able to get up and shower before the boys woke up. The girls left on Wednesday for their dads, well my sister and bil took them with them when they left to go back to Crawfordsville. We were due for ice on Thursday and I didn't want to try to drive in it to take the girls to meet their dad 1/2 way. So since then I have been slightly depressed. I feel like I am letting them down because I can't go spend as much money on them like their dad did for Christmas. I know he just wants to make up for not seeing them more during the year but still makes me feel like crude.

So on Christmas Eve night I decided what my new year's resolution will be .... After I get my bills caught up I will be taking $20 a week to set back for Christmas next year, $35 a week towards Aja's preschool fees, $15 a week towards my attorney bill, and $12 a week towards my car insurance .. leaving me with $51 a week for diapers, fuel in my van, and cvs deals if I get the time. I can work with that since I blow too much on other things like eating out when no one is around me in the van.

I hope my girls are having fun with their dad and grandma in Florida this year. I really hate not having the girls around for Christmas. I haven't had them on Christmas for 3yrs now and it really hurts. The house just feels kind of empty when they are gone. 

anyways, I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas or Holiday!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Recycle Bank

Recycle Bank is something in a few areas that encourage recycling by offering rewards. Well right now even if they aren't in your area you can still get some benefit from them with electronics. Also right now when you open a new account they will give you 100pts to start with. You can get a $4/$20 CVS coupon for 40pts, not bad really. CVS is a sponsor that authorized that coupon. Coke has a $1 off any product coupon for 10pts. So say you need a bottle of Dasani water and it is $1.39 well with that coupon makes it $.39 for a bottle of water. Not bad at all! So there are stuff you can get now with your free 100pts for opening an account. Plus if you can get enough people interested then maybe you could get your community into it and then earn even more points for items from the program.

I do know this is something big in NY and if enough people get involved we can help recycle even more.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

8 Days in this world

Leo has been in this world 8 days now. I can't believe its been that short of a time yet so long ago. Sunday 12/13 was my EDD with him. I almost wonder if I could have made it to my EDD and 3 days passed it (today 12/16) with no problems other than a rather large baby. I don't think I could have made it body wise because I was out of room for him and I am still having pelvic problems when I lay flat on either side of my body.

So let me back up a few....

On Sunday 12/06 I woke up about 3am with a huge pain in the front of my belly, noticed a "knot" feeling in the front of it in my pooch belly area. I called the on-call because the pain from it was really bad. I received no return call, so after waiting an hr for a call I went back to bed. I was still in major pain, so I took one T3 and waddled thru my day in pain.

On Monday 12/07 the area hurt to even put my clothes against. I didn't think I'd be able to make it the day without going to L&D for it. I did my pre-op lab work at 9:30a, went home and canceled my counseling appt because I was so swollen it hurt. I get home rest as much as I can and then head off to my last OB Appt which is my Pre-op appt. Dr. Assphat is a smartass and i knew he'd have something fun to say. He walked in and told me "he was going to have to rescheduled my c-section because that day just didn't work for him". I laughed and said oh well doc I'll be there anyways and won't be leaving until after my son is out. He laughed and said I was no fun. I get out of there go home for another appt and then after it go get the girls from school. We get everyone taken care of and fed then head off to Aja's preschool Christmas program. Aja was an angel in the program. I joked with her teacher if she had a pair of horns to hold up the halo? LOL!

Monday night, My mom and Sister arrive after we get home from the program. Dh is not home yet from getting SIL. Kids get in bed and Dh and SIL arrive. I am congested and not feeling well, but still very excited and unable to sleep. I do some dishes, make a list and double check i have everything I want to take ready. I am finally able to get some sleep for a few hours. I am wide awake and ready to go @ 3am. I am out of my mind because time is moving so slowly.

Tuesday - Around 5am get in the shower and try to relax. I was still really congested but didn't take my medicine since I couldn't drink anything and didn't want that on an empty stomach. I finally make enough noise to wake up Rick, Sabrina, my mom and sister. Get all my stuff gathered up near the backdoor. We keep it quiet as not to wake Osiris because he sleeps on the couch, only place he will sleep all night without waking up.

I get to the hospital and start to get a little nervous. Get back in the room take one last belly pic, strip down, go potty, then weigh myself. I go out and get in the bed and notice my legs hurt from swelling and being scared at this point. The nurse does all the normal asking of questions and comes back with the goodies to start my i.v.. she tells me she needs to do my pre-op lab, then i mention i did that yesterday. She was in shock goes out and checks yup did all but ONE, i was annoyed. Anyways she gets the one vial she needs and gets the iv going. Of course then i feel the urge to pee again, but i wait it out for awhile. Rick and I watch some tv for awhile and then the nurse comes and takes the monitors off me. At that point I decide I can go pee and not feel bad haha. I get in there and decide one last chance to have a bm. (tmi coming up) I notice my bm is mixed with blood. I don't think anything of it at all for some reason.

3 docs make trips to the room and then get taken back to the OR. I was actually shaking because I was scared at this point. I am not sure why. I get in there they get the spinal in and lay on my back. I start to feel sick from no food in my system and my bile from my gallbladder building up in my stomach. Luckily all i did spit up was spit bubbles and minor stomach acid. The doctors finish up the stuff they are doing and rick comes in just before they make the incision cut. I am still sort of out of it when I hear "LOOK at all that hair!" I was like wow they are already in there and hell I didn't even realize it.

The Dr was just as shocked as myself to see that Leo was no longer breech. He was breech at my last ob appt the day before. So that ment sometime he flipped and I didn't realize it. I laugh when I think that Leo made sure to flip so that the staff didn't cut the wrong thing haha! Leo makes his exit and Rick is called over to cut the cord! He was happy to get the chance to do that. He didn't get to with Osiris since it was the middle of the night and didn't get to with Thad either. So he was very happy too finally get a chance to cut the cord. I was in the recovery room before I knew it and I finally got a first time thing happen for me. I got to do skin to skin with Leo and nurse right away. I didn't get that with the girls as per policy at the time at Wishard all babies went to be evaluated while mom was recovering and the boys ended up in the NICU. So to get that experience with Leo was just wonderful!

I had a few of the same nurses this year for the my c-section and for my mother/baby room. It was nice to see some familiar faces. They were all shocked to see me again so soon but I've gotten used to that reaction haha. I made some nurses happy again this year. I brought in a box of chocolates and a box of hot cocoa variety packets for each nurse shift change that gave me a new "main" nurse. The nurses this year didn't always get a decent lunch hour so the stuff gave them a little something to hold them over for a while.

Upon discharge my nurse gave me so much stuff I was in shock. I got 2 diaper bags for nursing mothers, 2 packages of newborn diapers, a beach bag (i brought with me) 1/2 full of size 1 diapers, 2 boxes of ready to feed 2oz bottles of formula, an unopened package of hospital monster pads and a few more items. I was overjoyed and felt blessed to receive them because that ment I wouldn't have to go get diapers for Leo for awhile as I have a package of size 1's and 2's in the boys closet already. Leo still fits in a newborn diaper just fine even now and I am thankful I will get to use all the newborn diapers up first.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Leonidas is here

Leonidas Thomas Rish has arrived! He arrived via repeat c-section at 9:25a. He tipped the scales at 9lbs 4ozs (my biggest baby thus far!) and 20 1/4 inches long.

The girls are so excited to get to see their brother. With the H1N1 restrictions at the hospital the girls aren't allowed to visit. So less stress on me really.

Today is the day

Here is it 3:41a and I can't sleep. I am the only one awake in the house. I have been awake for 41 minutes now. I am awake because I have a freakin runny/stuffy nose. Figures hehe!

in 3hrs we will be leaving for the hospital. Check in is 7am. All the pre-op lab work is done, had to do it yesterday. So sitting there for 2hrs bored out of my mind is going to be fun.

I wish I could get alittle more sleep before it was time to get up and ready in 2hrs. Oh well I am just glad I got any sleep AT ALL last night.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

good end for the day

I listed a few double copies of a new movie on craigs list. I wanted them gone. I purchased 3 copies of the Ice Age 3 Dawn of the Dinosaurs from CVS back when it was on a good sale for me. (I am still trying to drink all the coke. Slowly of course. I am on the 2nd 12-pk since I bought them). Well both copies I listed on Craigslist have sold in less than 2hrs of posting the ad. Yay!!! I sold them cheap because I know other kids out there would want a copy and plus I didn't pay a lot for them anyways. So easy $20 for me. $10 for each copy. Really made my day before going to sleep.

What a last few days

So my stress lvl is roughly 10o out of 10. Ctx's are coming and they are strong and hurt. I am sure they are due to the stress level. So now just trying to hold out until my next appt on Monday with the ob to see if anything is happening down there. I plan to ask to be checked. I am sure nothings going on but i want to know.

I was going to go get checked last night but got home and took a T3 and 1/2 an ambien instead. it was so nice to get some sleep. The boys slept all night it was great!!


Sabrina's school nurse called today to give me a compliment on Sabrina's sense of responsibility with her medicine. Sabrina needed her inhaler and the nurse was not in the office. Sabrina got in the cabinet, got her inhaler did it and put it back, then went to the nurse's desk found a post-it note "wrote the time, her name, the date, and 2 puffs" then signed it. She said Sabrina is the ONLY second grader she trusts to do that with the medicine. Talk about a mommy ego boost. I may not do a lot of things right but I did teach my child the importance of her medicine.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Can't take it..

Rick has finally pushed me over the edge! I have spent the last 25hrs upset, stressed to the max, and crying off n on. Yes I am sure partly hormones. He has made my day today so completely utterly stressful. I told someone right in front of rick that I was ready to tell him and the girls dad to both go screw themselves. I am being treated as a child to the extent of being told who I can talk to and who I will take my children too for a doctor. As soon as I get cleared by the doctors after delivery then I will be looking at becoming a single mother of 5 children. I am scared out of my mind at this! I just don't know what else to do.

I am just so tired of nothing being right. I can't have children the right way because I have c-sections. I don't keep the house clean enough. I don't cook enough. The list goes on n on n on. I am just so tired. Yes I know the unknown is scary and will be hard. But it has to (just has to) be better than what I am dealing with right now. Rick told a lady today (who visits to check on me and help me get referrals as needed) that the girls don't like him and he doesn't really care for them either. How am I as a mother supposed to stay with someone who doesn't like my children? He even made sure to make sure she knew the girls were from another man and thats the whole problem. WTF?! If he felt that way from the beginning he should have told me before we brought 2 (almost 3) children into this world.

After him saying that I completely feel I just screwed up 3 little boys lives and feel like a failure to them already. Rick has the girls dad so upset with me because Rick called him and ripped into him today that he is going to try to take the van back. If he does that I will be completely screwed for getting the girls back n forth to school.

I had a counseling session today and walked out in a calm mood. Rick called and threw that out the damn window within 30 seconds. My bp is up to high for me and its draining me, at last check my bp was 143-111. I know its all stressed related and I am truly trying to get myself calmed down. Its just hard when the tension is so thick in the house right now that a steak knife would barely be able to cut it. So in just alittle over 11wks I will be starting hopefully the process of leaving Rick. I just don't know what else to do. Rick's mom last night said the last comment from her I could handle. I told him that and he is defending his mom.

Rick called me and left a message that we were going to go visit his mom for a few hours fine. I can deal with her for a few hours. He told the girl's we'd stop at McDonald's for lunch. Well he didn't do that. We get to his moms (this woman never seems to have any real food there anymore) and she feeds the kids buttered toast and chips for lunch. I get ticked off and tell the girls I will just go get food from the store nope can't do that because all the sudden rick n his mom have to fix her computer, router, and modem. I am not taking 5 kids by myself (ricks niece included) to the store when I know they will act up because we are away from home. So fast forward 5hrs later (way too long for me comfort level) and they order pizza. Great REAL food! The boys haven't napped since the crib smells funky. The girls are bored, tired and ready to go home. So of course Aja being Aja means she was not listening to what she was told. I got on Aja for that and it wasn't good enough for Rick's mom. She made Aja sit down (fine i was getting my pregnant butt in there to do that). She then proceeds to tell Aja "if I could I'd smack your butt so hard you wouldn't be able to sit down for 3 fucking years!" WHOA!! First off my kid back the hell off woman! Secondly touch my child in that way and I'll drop kick your old ass while telling you what I think of you!

I told Rick when we were heading home that next time he wants to have a tech fest at his moms to leave the kids and myself at home. I can watch spongebob and ignored just fine there. Plus at least at home I have food I know I can make the kids to eat. ....

Rick has Sabrina so afraid of him her teacher can see it and asked me about it. If I wasn't ready to pop any day now I'd look at moving now. However I don't think it'd be a great idea to do it now since then I wouldn't have anyone to watch the kids while I had Leo.

okay done venting and rambling. Writing (typing) out my feelings and thoughts truly does help me feel better.

Friday, November 6, 2009

C-section Date is Set!

So Monday I had an ob appt and the doctor was in complete shock that the c-section had not been scheduled yet. So he sent the request, scheduling has been working hard on my date for me.

I am scheduled for Dec 8th @ 9am! 32 days!!! I won't share my b-day with my son but 1 day before is not too bad either.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

3 down 1 to go

Sabrina, Aja, and Thaddeus have all had this viral thing that's going around. The only child not to have it yet is Osiris. Hoping that he doesn't get it before I get him to the health department to get the h1n1 vaccine on Friday afternoon.

Sabrina's fever broke Sunday morning, Aja's and Thaddeus' fevers started Sunday night. Aja's fever broke on Monday afternoon and Thaddeus' is pretty much broken except at times when he needs fluids. Once he gets some he is fine.

33wks 3 days so we are looking 5wks 4days to 6wks until my c-section date. Ah! Hopefully plan on getting it ordered to be scheduled at my next visit. I need a date so I can tell my mom on when to tell her work when she won't be there so sh can spend time with the 4 grand-kids at home and take 2 of them to school and pick-up lol.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Sabrina sick

Sabrina has had a cough for 2wks now. At first it wasn't bothering her or anything. It has gotten worse, Tuesday she went and was seen doctor listened and looked her over. Said lungs sounded clear and she looked fine. If the cough was not better by today then when we showed up for the flu shot clinic to let them know to let the doctor know. Well the clinic was canceled. So we go to the store for a few groceries and come home. While in the store all she did was say she was cold. So I try to hurry up to get home.

once home she changes out of her school uniform, feeds the dogs and sweeps the floor real quick. We took her temp and 101.7 .... so I called the doctor and spoke with him. He wants me to do my best to treat her at home for the weekend. He wants to avoid her going to the ER at all costs right now. With her asthma she is at a great risk of catching the H1N1 from someone in the ER waiting room then normal people. So we are in for a fun weekend.

Stupid Google Calendar!!!

Okay so if I don't put every damn thing on the stupid google calendar I get told "i'm sorry it wasn't on there so I scheduled something else". OH MY FLIPPING GOODNESS!!!! I've only been saying out damn flicking out for 2 1/2wks now that the girls were going TODAY to the flu shot clinic at the doctors office for the flu shot since they have yet to have it. So now I get to drag the boys along in the cold and rain to get the girls their flu shots because Rick "forgot" i said i was taking the girls to get the flu shots.

My back doesn't hurt bad enough apparently so I get to go try to keep 2 boys entertained while we wait for the girls to get the flu shots.

I guess I should start putting on the calendar when I am going to take a shower, go pee, eat something, or walk to check the damn mailbox.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Okay so I am ready to scream. I am so tired of being made to feel like its MY JOB and ONLY MY JOB! to raise the kids. Granted I know the girls are mine fine, I'll do my job with them. But he is the step-dad and is supposed to be helping in that department but whatever. Now he is the father of the boys and I still get no damn help!!!

I have to try and cram all of my appts and any appts for the kids in on a Monday. Okay fine organization for him but whatever. I am so close to breaking and being over this. I honestly feel I'd handle things better on my own knowing that an adult in the house is not doing their part since it will all fall on me anyways. I mean is it so wrong to feel that the other adult in the house who helped bring 2 of the current 4 into this world help in their raising? I guess it is since I don't get any help. I ask for help and get felt to feel like my feeling of needing help doesn't matter at all.

I am doing my best but I am not sure how much longer that will be good enough or even work. ........................

Anyways, Leo looks to be a big boy. Monday I had an ultrasound done and he was showing to be 4lbs 13ozs at 32wks. His head was measuring in for the size of a 35wker. Based on the avg of all the measurements he is measuring on track to be ready for delivery on Dec 1st..... 12 days before my EDD. Big baby who hopefully will be completely healthy.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

2yrs ago

2yrs ago I was in back labor with Osiris and no one believed me. Since I was not dialated with the contractions I was told "it's normal back pain that can happen here is some pain meds, go home and rest". It had all started on September 25, 2007 but figured it was really from all the walking I had done during the visit of my dad and step-mom. I was not concerned until after 2 days of taking tylenol extra strength the pain had not gone away but stayed and barely dulled down. I am handling things better this year than last year. I appreciate that I was able to get as far along as I did with Osiris and all my kids really. I know my kids birth experiences is no match for a lot of moms with "premies" and I mean not lung premature but premature in the whole term because they still have so much growing to do.

Don't get me wrong I am sad that time has flown by so fast for him and hes grown up so much already. I am still even concerned that this baby will spend a few days to a week in the NICU but I can already see I will handle it better than last year. After a lot of soul searching, I know this is not going to kill me and infact makes me stronger but not as strong as Niff and Mac. They will to me always remain stronger than myself to have come this far and be so strong still.


It seems that this pregnancy was not left out. I fell yesterday morning in the parking lot at church picking Sabrina up from a sleep over that was held there. Osiris was right behind me and I was turning around to find him and tripped over him and was able to get him moved off to the side enough before i fell so i didnt fall on him. I hurt my left side really good. My left shoulder is still hurting so tomorrow going to call the doctor to see what they want to do.

Monday, September 14, 2009

High Risk Doctor

Today at the hematology doctor i made mention of my spotting/bleeding and both doctors agreed that it was "not" normal while on lovenox. So now I am being referred to the high-risk doctor at the hospital just to double check and make sure everything is okay.

The high-risk doctor called my regular ob and told him to do an ultrasound. So I go tomorrow at 2pm for an u/s and see whats happening.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Osiris is a goof

He is jealous of Thaddeus being in the walker now. So when Thaddeus gets out of it Osiris likes to climb in it. Osiris will walk around in the walker and bump into things like the wall, the dog, the couch, the coffee table lol, he will then tell whatever he bumped into "sowwie". It is funny! He just seems to have so much fun doing it. He reminds me why I love my kids when he is being a goof. All the good funny moments are the best. I will gladly take all the good with their bad any day as long as I live.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Men ugh

Okay so Rick asked what was wrong. I finally came clean with it all. How I have been feeling and everything. I have my initial meeting with the counselor next Thursday on Sept 4th. I am so ready honestly. The place I was referred to offers a lot of help and group sessions and is recommended on a website for Prenatal Depression support. Anyways back to the men thing well in this case a male. I told him how I was feeling like running away and not looking back. Now he has been teasing me about it since. Oh yeah teasing me on my feelings is so going to make it better right? I just roll my eyes and try (key word try) to ignore him but inside it hurts and I told him but he laughs and says hes joking. Uhm not something to joke about. He asked about supper and I told him I don't have a close because I just wanted to hurl. The zoloft dosage was really affecting my appetite when I am stressed. He honestly looked right at me and said "Well it won't hurt you any". OMG SO NOT the point. the point is I am pregnant and need to make sure I do eat to make sure my child is growing.

Why can't he just actually understand or at least act like he understands how I am feeling.

Stride Rite Code

Good only online at but here is a code for 20% of $50 or more. If any of you know they have expensive shoes anyways so 20% is a nice little break.
Code = SCHOOL20

Monday, August 24, 2009

1hr = FAIL (possibly)

I had my 1hr gd screen today. Since I have my own glucose meter already anyways, I took it along with me today. I drank my drink in like 30 seconds and man it was still gross ha! I had my appt and it just dawned on me today that the doctor I had my appt with today was gay lol! Nothing like a gay male ob. At least I know he ain't looking at my chest lol!!! So anyways I sit in the waiting room reading a few magazines and posting a lil on my phone. I tested my levels with a finger prick 2 minutes before my blood draw and I was 141 and the cut off this year at the office is 135. So if the blood draw comes back like the finger prick than I will be doing the 3hr screen. So yay me! I guess a first time for anything. I did just barely pass last year. I got a 139 and the cut off was 140. So maybe that was partly why Thad was such a chunky baby at birth.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Sitting up

Thaddeus has decided to show mommy he can sit up and do just fine. He will army crawl all over the house and even tries to get on his knees to crawl. He will fall backwards on his butt and end up sitting up. He will sit there and then decide to take off crawling again. It is so sweet really.

Sabrina met her teacher today at school. The teacher seems really nice. We turned in the "extra" supplies we got for the class room and made it known that I could help more if needed.

I am feeling better. I was really sick for a few days. Not able to keep anything down. I am able to keep some light small things down now. This break from things has been nice and I've been able to get a few things accomplished during the time. I have been able to sit back and enjoy this pregnancy a little bit more. I was able to notice that Leo is a big mover and strong one too. Monday is going to be interesting. I have my 1hr glucola test and me 24wk appt. Plus FIL and his GF fly into town at around 1030a. They are going to visit for a few hours on and then Rick is going to take them to the gf's daughters place an hr away. Sabrina starts school Monday so its a busy busy day.

I get more excited with each passing day and also very scared as December approaches. I can't wait to meet this little man and I'm very scared because I know my uterus is getting weak. I am putting my complete and utter faith in my doctor to do what is best medically.

may everyone have a great rest of the weekend.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Here it us just after 4am est and I'm up and awake because Osiris won't go back to sleep. Rick woke me to tell me that Osiris was awake standing behind me and that was pretty much my clue Rick wasn't moving. I am so tired and starting to think my ear pain/issues is due to lack of sleep but won't know for sure until some time in September.

Time to go hack n sit in the dark to see if maybe just maybe he will go back to sleep for awhile. (small side note I love thst I can now post enteries from my cell via txt MSG to blogger.)

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Today was a better day overall. Felt nice to have a day with so little net activity going on. I feel a little less stressed but still tired overall. Still wish I had a break to myself though.

Today Osiris really got in the pool to play, it was so cute. He had a blast playing with his sisters n I hope it's a good sign.

Watching lady and the tramp on a Saturday night is not really my idea of relaxing. However, Rick went out drinking again tonight for "a few hrs". So not much else to do except let the kids have some entertainment they want. I mean it's good for them and won't kill me lol.

So I guess I'm going to go cuddle with Osiris n finish watching the movie.

Friday, August 14, 2009


I am taking a big break from BBC for awhile. I have enough going on in life and well BBC right now makes me want to throw the computers and laptops against the wall into a zillion pieces. So I think I need a break, since I don't seem to have balls/guts to step up to something. Best for me to take a break.

I expect to lose most people following my blog because of this post.

hope everyone has a nice lovely weekend.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Are some women addicted to having babies?

I saw this on the December 2009 BB and felt it was funny.

Are some women addicted to having babies?

By Martha Brockenbrough, Women's Health

It's not just in your head. There really is a bumper crop of baby bumps out there, from the famously fertile, like Heidi Klum, who's flirting with her fourth set of stretch marks in five years, to the infamous Nadya "Octomom" Suleman, who earlier this year bore eight babies at once even though she already had six other kids at home that she could barely afford to take care of.

In 2007 alone, American women birthed more than 4.3 million babies — the highest number ever. More than a quarter of those were to women having their third or fourth child, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And despite the infertility freak-out the entire country seems to be currently engaged in, only a small number of these babies — perhaps 100,000 — resulted from medical interventions such as in vitro fertilization, says Jamie Grifo, M.D., Ph.D., director of the division of reproductive endocrinology at the NYU School of Medicine.

That doesn't mean that we're transforming into a nation of Duggars (the Arkansas family with 18 kids often seen announcing their latest conception on NBC's TODAY show) and Novogratzes (the New York City clan of seven kids soon to be the focus of a new Bravo reality show) — the average number of children per American family is still hovering right around two.

Still, certain mothers, like 31-year-old Meagan Francis, who is raising her flock of five in Michigan, have big broods because that's what they're used to. "I grew up in a relatively large family and always loved having lots of people around," she says. "So it's natural that I'd try to re-create that experience with my own family."

But it's not always quite so simple, psychologists say. Some women may like being pregnant a little too much, often driven to rapidly reproduce out of insecurity, a craving for attention, or feelings of abandonment by their own parents.

The high of pregnancy

Having babies isn't addictive in the way that alcohol and narcotics can be. But bumpaholics feel compelled to procreate for many of the same reasons that substance abusers turn to booze or drugs.

"Women who are obsessed with being pregnant are literally filling an emptiness inside of them, just as alcoholics and drug addicts use substances to fill a psychological void," says Beverly Hills psychiatrist Carole Lieberman, M.D. Every one of us at some point encounters this void, adds New York family therapist Bonnie Eaker Weil, Ph.D., author of "Financial Infidelity." "You want to have a purpose in this world. You want to feel less lonely."

For some women, babies fill that gap perfectly. Infants are dependent creatures. They can give their mothers a clear identity; they can also become handy social buffers. At a party or on the playground, a woman struggling with feelings of social anxiety or self-consciousness can hide behind the adorable infant in her arms. Any pressure to be cute or charming or funny disappears — your baby has that covered. "Bumpaholics breed to blot out their feelings of insecurity," Weil says.

Boston psychiatrist and Fox News consultant Keith Ablow, M.D., says some women seem to view having more children as an alternative to addressing their own personal problems. "Bearing another child can sometimes provide a substitute for deciding on a career path, making a marriage work, or even wrestling with questions of self-worth," Ablow says.

Then there's the constant attention you garner from others when you're bursting with child. Bumpaholic or not, it can be pretty great. Barb Pomeroy, 42, of Longmont, Colo., is a mother of six girls. She admits that she reveled in the questions and comments her pregnancies elicited from family, friends, and even complete strangers. She also loved the compliments people fed her about how good she looked when she was pregnant with her daughters. Even though she's not planning to have any more children, she misses the heightened interest and confidence pregnancy often brings. "There's this feeling of being special when you're pregnant," she says. "I feel like I become ordinary again when I'm not expecting."

It's not hard to understand why: People smile at you, throw you baby showers, buy you lots of gifts. And the rounder your belly gets, the more space you take up in the world, and the more people take notice of you. In many respects, you become impossible to ignore.

Spouses and partners dote on you, gladly delivering soup at 10 a.m. or antacids at 11 p.m. "My husband constantly rubbed and coddled me, and I ate it all up," says Liz Bustamante, a 39-year-old financial advisor from Forest Hills, N.Y., who has one child and is currently planning for the next. "And for the first time in my life, instead of feeling insecure about my body, I wanted to run around naked! I'd never felt sexier."

Magazines conduct celebrity-bump watches, and nude maternity portraits are becoming de rigueur for celebs and civilians alike. Pregnancy lets every woman be a star in her own world, and the rest of us are all too happy to shine the spotlight. A pregnant woman is exciting because the child she's carrying represents "that tie to the future," says Holly Donahue Singh, a Ph.D. candidate in anthropology at the University of Virginia who teaches a class called Anthropology and Reproduction: Fertility and the Future.

Filling a void?

The belly-rubbing high hits the pregnant woman as well as the people who surround her. The expectant mother gets an oxytocin blast and rubs her belly as a way of bonding. Admirers who rub her belly get a hormone rush, too. "As social creatures, our brains have evolved to make positive social behaviors feel good. Touch causes the release of oxytocin, and this causes the release of dopamine in reward regions of the brain," says Paul J. Zak, director of the Center for Neuroeconomics Studies at Claremont Graduate University.

Given all the psychological, physical, and social rewards associated with pregnancy, it's no surprise that so many women like it. But plenty of couples stop at one or two children, despite the fundamental drive to reproduce. This is because we can use our higher brain functions to keep those instincts in check, reminding ourselves that children cost money — about $950 a month until they're 18 — and require an extraordinary amount of time and energy.

This is precisely why the bump-loving Bustamante says she'll stop at two. Much as she loved her pregnant body and adores being a mom, she wants to allow for some financial flexibility — childcare, ballet lessons, summer camp, and college tuition add up. Having sufficient funds isn't a deal-breaker for everyone, though. Nan Mooney, a 39-year-old single mom, is living with her parents in their Seattle home because she doesn't make enough money to support herself and her son. Still, she desperately wants more kids. Her friends and family call her crazy, she says, but "I knew enough people growing up who had plenty of money who were not necessarily loved and not necessarily happy. I don't think it's an essential ingredient to raising well-adjusted children."

Figuring out the right number of kids to have is a personal decision, to be sure. And not all women with lots of children are bumpaholics. But an important question for pregnancy-craving mothers to ask themselves is why they want more children, Weil says. Are you having them because you don't want to deal with your husband? Or so you don't have to go back to work? Or because you love the attention? Nadya Suleman, for one, is blunt about the fact that she got pregnant to fulfill an emotional need. As she reportedly told one journalist, "I just longed for certain attachments with another person that I really lacked."

But psychologists say there are far better ways of making meaningful connections. In order to have a healthy relationship, married moms need to spend quality time alone with their husbands — whether it's taking a vacation without the baby or just going out to dinner together once a week and leaving the kids with a sitter. "Women who focus on their children to the exclusion of everything else inevitably face an emptiness when their kids grow up and become more independent," Weil says.

If you do find yourself feeling a void as your bundle of joy becomes a toddler, "that's a good sign that it's time to look in the mirror and figure out what's going on with you," says Ann Pleshette Murphy, author of "The Seven Stages of Motherhood: Loving Your Life Without Losing Your Mind." "Invest in yourself. Though it may never be as satisfying as what we get from taking care of our kids, it's important to feel proud of something you do outside of child-rearing so that you don't think of yourself as 'only a mom.'"

"Me time" can include big things — like going back to work or starting your own business from home — or small, daily experiences that enrich your life, such as heading to the gym or joining your girlfriends for dinner and cocktails. It's only when you have a balanced life that you can be sure the inner call for a new addition to your family should be answered.

Help and more

Dh has finally realized I need help trying to do everything he wants me to do. Well I am getting help, just not his. He is going to start every few weeks going and getting SIL #3 to come up here on the weekend. She will help tend the kids so that I can get some work done in the shop. So mainly my week will be kids and weekend will be shop work. I guess its better than nothing. I mean I will get stuff done now. Plus its hard to do it all when nesting and unable to be in 3 places at once ha!

I am having such a hard time this pregnancy to sleep on my side. I fall aleep on my side and always wake flat on my belly. I of course move but wow I hate feeling like I'm smooshing my child lol.

So ready for school to start. Is it August 24th yet? LOL ODD starts school that day and then just after labor day ydd starts school. So I will only have 2 at home until December. Woot!

My tomato plants are growing some yummy maters. I can't wait until they are ready so I can eat them!

Finally have everyone seeing the same doctor now. I feel better about that. Not that I didn't like the older 3 kids doctor, I just don't feel like he took everything I was feeling seriously. I trust my doctor alot more and he always listens even when its about something very minimal. Plus now if we all end up in the hospital we will all go to the same one, as before the older 3 would of been at a different hospital.

I think my house is pretty clean right now haha! I have been nesting and feel it hasnt looked this nice since i was nesting before Thad was born ha! I can feel it slowly dieing down though.

August 24th is my next appt and I will do my gd screen. So yeah not looking forward to that and don't have a good feeling about it either. only time will tell I guess.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Google Search

I added a google search functions so you can search other than in the blogspot from my blog.
I know not too exciting, the google search box is at the bottom of the blog.

Sunday, August 2, 2009


I am being an involved parent at Sabrina's school. I am going to be the Coordinator for the a few programs, BTFE, Campbells Labels, Nestle Pure Life Labels, So I am going to learn here soon some better time management skills. I wanted to be involved and I felt this was a good way. I will also be on the PAC (Parent Advisory Counsil - the schools version of PTO). I am excited. Sabrina is excited also, because it means I will be more involved with everything and she likes that idea, for some reason my children are proud of me and that makes me feel wonderful. I am also going to be her classroom mom. If the teacher needs some help with getting things like decorations or a classroom activity planned she will contact me. I am always trying to get more involved and I felt this was my chance since the school is just opening for the first time this year. The administration has plans to get a high school going also down the road so hopefully this is Sabrina's last school move and the only school for the other kids. So I can be involved for many years and help so many other children feel special. Best part is so many of things I am doing just require me to get materials from the school once or twice a month. I can also bring the other kids along as needed so as not to take Rick away from repairs.

Saturday, August 1, 2009


Thad has the start of his 1st tooth protruding thru his gums right now. I happened to look in his mouth and saw something white and I honestly thought he had some paper in there. I went to clean it out and I felt something slightly sharp and I knew it was a tooth. Yay!! He will at least have ONE tooth before he turns 1! Woohoo!!


The work for the business is starting to pick-up and we are starting to get slammed. I am overwhelmed even more now because I have to figure out a way to get work done in there plus tend the kids. I just don't feel comfortable leaving a 7yr old in charge of a 3 younger siblings with the youngest 2 still being very dependent on someone for most of everything. Rick does not see a problem with it however. So we have been arguing/discussing this for a few weeks and I just finally have taken the boys in the shop with me when I'm out there and the girls are in the house or outside. Normally outside in the backyard playing and Osiris goes out there and "flies" on his swing.

I've had my Zoloft updated once again so hopefully I can deal with everything without snapping and taking a drive like I used when when Aja was a baby. I use to just take Sabrina to her dads and keep Aja because he could not handle both girls alone and I did not want to stay with him. So Aja and myself would just go for a drive and not come back until the next day. Back then we'd end up in Ohio somewhere and rent a room, spend the night then head back home. Can't do that anymore these days. Sometimes I just wish I could do it once and do it alone (other than bean inside of course) and get time away. Oh well I will get another hospital vacation in Dec for about a week ha!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Its A ...

Unhappy Dh is what is it. So that must mean... Its a Boy! Leonidas Thomas is going to be the name. Rick is still slightly hoping at my next ultrasound to check the fluid and placenta we try and do another gender shot and maybe its a girl LOL. I told him wish hard enough but i don't think that will happen.

Monday, July 20, 2009


I had my hematology appt today my bp was up today 140/100. The nurse did it 3 times and got the same thing all 3 times. So she made a note and was really concerned. I've had a massive migraine for a week now and I guess I never connected the two. I have a home BP monitor too and never checked it. It was checked again before leaving and was 139/100 so yeah not much of a difference.

The NP I saw today called the OB office and made them aware of it and told them to check me really well on thursday. I guess its a good thing I have an appt in 2 1/2 days.

Thursday 9am is my ultrasound and we are hoping to find out.

Girls name is Ianthe (ee-on-thee) Marie R*** and the Boy name is Leonidas (lee-on-i-duhs) Thomas R***... Thomas is after my grandpa who passed away when I as 13.

He died 3 days after christmas that year. I remember crying my eyes out. I was just up there a few weeks before Christmas for my 13th birthday. I remember that birthday really well since it was the last time I saw him. I didn't get to make the funeral since we lived in Indiana and didn't have the money to make another trip there.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Oh my goodness!!! Since coming back from their dad's the girls have had such attitudes. They are getting on my nerves and I'm tempted to smackem but instead I send them to their room or make them sit down for awhile. The other day I told the girls to stop spinning in some chairs because it was making me dizzy and they told me "well look somewhere else". I was in shock! Today Rick told Aja to stop twisting the chains on the swing and she told him I will do what I want to which he responded Don't get smart with me little girl and her response " I will get smart with you whenever I want to!" Oh man! I am ready to spank them and kick their dad.

Give me patience please! right now they are upstairs yelling and fighting and I know they are sisters and it is expected but man o man they are giving me a headache and its not going away even with pain killers. I go to sleep and wake with a headache worse than I had before I slept.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Update 7/17

so since my last post. Things have been weird, crazy, and boring all at the same time haha. the girls were gone to their dads until the 11th. We picked them up and stop by a small discount grocery store and got amish popcorn seeds.

I have had some bleeding since the last doc visit. I am just going by the doctors recommendations --- if it doesn't fill a pad then to drink water and take it easy. So I've been doing just that. On Friday the 10th I made an ER visit because of course my stupid leg was acting up. It was really hurting and nothing was making it better but things did make it worse. It was nothing according to the ER doctor so he gave me some pain pills to take as needed.

Osiris is all over the place anymore. He is into everything worse than ever before. He made up for his sisters being gone by being extra annoying and loud lol!

Thad is trying to crawl/scoot/move haha. He gets up on his knees and then loses it and falls down. He just has so much extra weight still he cant keep his knee grip lol. He has been saying Mum mum mum mum mum for almost 3wks now. He has never yet said dad/da or anything to that sort. So makes me feel extra special. He will say "hi" if you say it enough to him.

I had a follow-up on Wednesday for my bleeding on june 29th. At first the doctor wasn't even going to do an ultrasound since I have my BIG one next thursday. (6 days can't wait!!!) Well he went to get a listen to the hb and couldnt find it. We both thought we heard movement swishing but weren't sure. So he sent me for a quick hb/movement ultrasound. Lil bugger wouldn't hold still too long so it was fun. Anyways we got a couple quick glimpses at the goodies but nothing too good to be 100% sure on. We both think we saw "a girl" So hopefully we find out next week!

Sabrina had an allergy appt on wednesday. She is going to try singular for 6 months for her allergies and if that doesn't help then she will get weekly allergy injections and she is trying to avoid that because she hates needles with a passion.

I could smack their dad and I think I just might. He didn't have sabrina do her inhalers or allergy medicine for almost the 2wks they were gone. She did 4 days out of the time gone. He had her in a flea infested house and she got covered in flea bites and scratching herself to bits! She has an ear infection also now and got it from being gone. scratched some of the flea bites so bad they got infected. Her dad didn't take her to a doctor to be seen and he has insurance on the girls. I am so mad and the doctors are too actually.

the ultrasound pic from wednesday 18wks 3 days!

Monday, June 29, 2009

OB Visit

I made a visit to the ob again today .... yes I was just there LAST Friday.... I had a major gush of blood again today and then after that just tiny dots when i wipe. So I called just to see what they would tell me. Brought me in, checked on baby, and blood. Didn't find any source of it yet again. So we are playing it off on the low placenta and fibroid and lovenox combo. I did tell the ob today that I told dr shethead last friday about my minor bleeding I had and he just blew it off he didn't like to hear that. So I am on pelvic rest and modified bed rest until my u/s on july 23rd. So yay me for being so much doctor fun this time and i thought last time was fun haha!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

ugh what a morning

today is just now started and I am already so ready to just run away since the girls will be gone and not look back for a week. I so need a vacation and well I know I will not get a vacation until this baby is born and that is just for 4 days. But that entire time Rick will be whining because he wants me at home. I just pray this baby doesn't need the small NICU stay. I know it is NOTHING compared to other peoples childrens NICU stay, its just a week and that is nothing I know this. I am hoping baby wont need the stay so that I can maybe get some peace to my mini-vacation after delivery. After that the next vacation won't be unless I have another baby or until 2030 when this baby moves out and is on their own. Maybe then I will get a vacation to myself. I will be 49yrs old before I get a real vacation. How sad is that? the price I pay to have my family and really wouldn't change it but just I had more help where it is needed.

Friday, June 26, 2009


the girls leave for their dads tomorrow for 15 days. I am looking for the slight break in chaos factor.

I decided to have the Quad screen test done this time. I am worried about it but trying to just wait and see what it says. I had a doctors appt today and Dr Sh*thead decided to just blow me off on my concern (like normal for him since osiris was born). I was told that if I started bleeding to call the office. Well I started to bleed some yesterday and decided that since I had less than 24hrs before my doc appt I'd keep an eye on it and rest as much as I could. When I told the doctor that he said well you are on lovenox and we are seeing this happen more n more often. Uhm this didnt happen last year at all bleeding wise at least. So yeah I am annoyed at him. I was able to get my u/s scheduled too. It is July 23rd at 9a! I am so excited I am ready to find out what I am having. sabrina is praying for a lil girl and Aja well she wants a boy so she doesn't lose the spot as the baby girl.

Friday, June 19, 2009

scary thing but slightly funny

So I think I am having a girl. I think that because I am all the sudden missing an ex-boyfriend. I didn't miss him when pg with either of the boys but missed him dearly when pg with both of the girls. So I guess in 5-6wks I will find out for sure. All the sudden of the sudden out of nowhere I felt my heart ache and then started crying and thinking about him. With the boys I would have swore up and down that Rick was cheating and now I am missing an ex. Granted this ex was my first love. Oh well I am just going to take it as a sign of having a girl.

Kids are doing well and enjoying the summer. Aja had alot of fun at her birthday party. Sabrina has been learning the meaning of room clean but hopefully she will get it understood soon, lol.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

U/s pic 13wks 4days

Doc Appt

I had my regular ob appt today which was also a follow-up to Monday. Doc tried to find the heartbeat and said he couldn't i wasn't worried at all. I knew it might be hard to find right now on me. He said to make sure he wanted a quick u/s done. So I had an u/s and hb was 150. good and strong. I was given a picture to take home. I go back in 2 weeks.

Osiris finally seems to be getting better and is no longer vomiting and barely poo's except for maybe 3 times a day which is better than what it was a week ago.

Thaddeus actually seems to be getting better also. He has finally stopped vomiting and we are waiting for him to get better on the poo end.

Sabrina and Aja are enjoying soccer camp and learning alot about the game.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Got some news today

I started bleeding pretty badly this weekend. I'll skip to today because the ER thing still ticks me off. So I called the OB office this morning. They got me in for an ultrasound at 12p. Baby has a good strong heartbeat and was sleeping so wasn't too active at all. I found out that I have a posterior uterus, a 3cm fibroid, and my placenta is extremely close to my cervix. So I will be watched even closer this time than ever before. Now I am glad I called the ob even after visiting the ER. The ER doctor told me baby was measuring 11wks and that I would miscarry. My ob says he sees no sign of me miscarrying anytime soon but that doesn't mean I am out of the woods yet. i have never had this bleeding before in pregnancy and now I am going to be a worry wart. On pelvic rest and suppose to take it easy. OB laughed when he said he'd tell me bedrest but with 4 kids at home he didn't see that happening to well.

Friday, June 5, 2009

6 month check-up

Thaddeus had his 6 month check-up. The receptionist asked how old he was and couldn't believe it had already been 6 months. She laughed and said just think this time next year you'll have a 5 month old. We had a good laugh. Thad came in at 19lbs 6ozs and 28 inches long. So he is growing in height and slowing down some in weight. I believe the vomiting and diarrhea he had planned a small role in the small weight gain but I'll take it.

I dared to the stores (walmart, kroger, aldi's, and martin's) today with all 4 kids. At Kroger I let Sabrina keep an eye on Osiris because she asked to. Osiris got away from her but was still right near me. I moved the cart to let someone pass and Osiris just stood there. I called him over and the lady said its okay he is fine. I told her I just didn't want him ran over because someone else wasn't fully paying attention and couldn't see him. Her reply was... "well you do have "too" many kids". (I laughed in my head as I said ....) Well I guess my husband and I don't feel we do since #5 is on the way and due this year. She gasped and didn't say another word and walked away. Ha! that was so much fun.

The girls are going to their dads this weekend! Woot!! So alil less craziness around here. I'll miss them dearly but I know its good for them and me to have breaks to their dads.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Osiris is home

Osiris is home. He came home yesterday. I am glad to be home, somewhat. I am glad he is out of the hospital and not hooked up to i.v.s anymore. However, at the hospital I didn't have to listen to Rick complain about everything. I could just ignore his calls.

We got a letter today that I was expecting from the health department about the bacteria infection Osiris has. Rick is being a COMPLETE AND TOTAL PRICK about the letter. He has flat out said he will refuse them any access to the house for any reason without a warrant. He almost acts like he is guilty of something.

I am ready to run away and not look back and of course take the kids with me.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Osiris in the hospital

Osiris threw up all over the place and himself last night about 930. So I called the on-call doc again and asked his advice. He said take him to the ER for an antibiotic i.v. Okay I did that and they didn't want to do that. The ER doc called the on-call doc and they agreed on something else. They admitted Osiris for the hospital until he can keep food down and start showing some improvement with his bowel movements. I was up for 23 1/2hrs before finally getting some sleep this morning while sharing a very uncomfy fold chair/bed that I had to share with Osiris because he would not sleep in the crib. I didn't mind sharing because I knew where he was, how he was, and felt better. So at quarter til 8 a Rick calls and says I need to get home. It took me 2hrs to leave Osiris because I just felt so bad and couldn't listen to him cry. The nurse went in there and said she would rock him or just hold him if that's what he needed.

that's my update for now. I need to try and get a nap in since Thaddeus is taking a nap. I will also be watching Thaddeus because I don't really want him in the hospital and then both boys being in 2 different hospitals. I REALLY need to get the girls and osiris switched doctors so all the kids can go to the same doctor and same hospital.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

I feel HORRIBLE!!!

I have no idea how this happened but I feel so horrible it did. I blame myself and think back to how it might have happened. Osiris has had diarrhea for about a week now. On Wednesday I took him to the doctor because he had 8 diarrhea diapers in less than 6hrs. He would not eat anything so I was worried also the night before he just screamed for over an hr like he was in severe pain. So the doctor was not going to do anything since Aja had diarrhea problems in Nov. 2007 thru late last year. I made the comment that maybe Osiris has IBS since Rick has it also. The doctor said it is possible and told me to just give him pedialyte for 36hrs and see what happened. Well I asked about a stool culture because the diarrhea (TMI) smelled horrible (like rotten eggs) and was pastel yellowish looking to neon greenish looking. The doctor order the culture and I am glad I asked for it.

The stool culture came back positive for Campylobacteriosis.

I have no idea how he got it. He started projectile vomitting last night and it smells horrible!!! I am worried because now Thad is acting the same way as Osiris was at first. I have a call into the on-call doctor for Thad and waiting to see what he says. Just keep the kids in your thoughts please.

Friday, May 29, 2009


How is it my fault his bank account over-drafted 97 cents? when he is the one who told me to use his account to pay the recycling bill from there? I mean I was going to use the business account but he insisted on his personal account! UGH!!!! He now expects me to pay his over draft charge. Uh not happening, no way! I have enough things to pay for for each week. I am the one that does the main covering of purchases for all the kids. He only helps with things if I don't have enough each week to get everything.

I could scream and smack him. I am so tired Osiris woke up at 6:15a and I had to get up with him and i am ready for a nap but nope can't do that because he can't watch the kids for an hr or so.

okay done venting for now.

Local Toddler needs help

"Michael was born Aug. 30, 2007, six weeks before his due date. Because his kidneys were undersized, he was immediately taken to Riley Hospital for Children in Indianapolis and diagnosed with end stage kidney disease. Michael now needs a kidney transplant."

here is a link for more info.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Interesting Weekend

So Saturday was not much fun. I was just not really feeling well. So I just kind of went thru the day in a very sluggish way.

Sunday was an early start and it was a long day. Woke up at 4:30 laid in bed until 6. Got my shower and kids ready and loaded and left. We had to make several stops along the way to grandma's. Got there and kissed the kids and went to the race. We got there and had to park a mile away. We walked the trip across the parking lot, get in line for our tickets, walk to the track. We had to walk 1/2 way around the track to get to our seats. OH MAN! My legs and feet were killing me! Get up there and sit down right as they make the first hit at the backstretch of the track. It was an overcast day so I didn't put any sunscreen on. Big mistake haha! My shoulders and chest look like I'm part lobster. When Tony Kanaan kissed the wall and went out for the race I was right infront of it and it scared the crap outta me! I got some pics of the debris.

Today was a fun day but not ready for it after yesterday. LOL!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

ultrasound 10wks 2days

So I have another u/s done today. This was at the womens clinic . It was funny. It almost looked like baby knew someone was watching and started to wave. Also we saw the little mouth moving, it looked like baby was singing and dancing to some really good music. It was so cute! this baby is going to be a mover I can tell. I am almost feeling a sense done being done but still really not so sure. I guess its a good thing I still have plenty of time.

First Toad

Osiris got so excited today when Rick showed him a toad. He was laughing and waving his arms. He was so excited for it. He just couldn't contain himself. It was funny. Aja screamed because she is in this afraid of everything phase. It was funny. Osiris touched the frog once and then decided that was enough ha! We moved the frog to the neighbors garden after she said it was okay. Osiris waved bye-bye to the toad and ran away.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Spring Concert

Sabrina's school had the spring concert last Thursday. It was kind of cheesy but it was a lot of fun. The music teacher made sure to find a good way to keep the audience interested in what was going on. Sabrina and a boy from her class, I swear were flirting with each other ha! They were tickling and fighting and talking with each other and a few other classmates. It was funny. Sabrina is excited for school to be over soon but sad because she is going to miss seeing her friends and her teacher.

I had my 1st official doctor's appointment last Friday. The doctor was shocked to see me. He told me when he saw my chart he told another doctor "she just delivered not that long ago, I delivered her baby". They laughed about it actually and said well it was a cold winter. LOL! He told me to take it easy and not risk anything to big with my leg. So I'm watching it and trying not to over do it. I might be seeing the high-risk doctor at the hospital but was told that depends on what happens during this pregnancy. I am also going to be watched for windowing in my uterus. So if its found to have some they will look at doing my c-section early. I made a comment to the doctor that as long as it was at least Dec. 1st I wouldn't mind haha.

Aja's last day of school is tomorrow. Her closing program is tomorrow night. She is going to pass out the invites for her birthday party next month to her friends tomorrow. She is excited but sad. She has cried every night for a few days about missing her friends and teacher over the summer.

I am excited and looking forward to next Sunday. My sister is going to babysit the kids and Rick and I are going to the Indy 500 race. It will be an interesting day. I hope my leg can handle it.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Offical EDD

I have my official EDD 12/13/2009. I still find it hard to believe that I got a positive result at 3wks 4days pregnant. My mom said anything is possible. I just wonder if the baby is measuring small with being on the lovenox? I guess really no way to tell. I will take the EDD. My mom wants me to try and hold out to have my c-section until 12/9 so i can deliver on my birthday. I told her depends on when my favorite doctor will be on. below is a pic from the ultrasound from today.

Some comments people make

I really don't understand why I still get upset when people try to make me feel bad because I am having another c-section after having 4 in the past. If my doctors truly felt it was a problem they would tell me and seriously advise me not to have anymore. Some comments I've recently heard/read really bother me. "I feel we have a great chance to accomplish something with a vaginal birth". I accomplish something too a healthy happy baby in this world. "Our bodies were designed to give birth vaginally". Well not all womens bodies are. "Women have been giving birth vaginally for centuries". You don't hear of the women who died during child birth because they were not able to have a vaginal birth and had to be cut open and died after-wards.

Anyways, Osiris is feeling better but still running a fever. Thaddeus is such a cutie and ham. He loves to smile and feel asleep today in his rocker and he looked like a chubby cabbage patch doll, it was sweet. Sabrina is refusing to do her work at school and spent the morning in the principals office. Aja got to see her teacher's week old grandbaby today. she was beautiful. I want another little girl.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Osiris is sick

We were supposed to go down to my moms today. She asked us to stay home and save the gas money. I went with Aja to get some things from Wal-mart and Kroger. We made a stop at the meat market and then went home. I get home to have Rick tell me Osiris feels hot. I feel his head and he is very warm. I get his temp 101! I asked Rick what he gave Osiris to drink while I was gone (I was gone almost 4hrs btw) and he told me "Nothing". I was so mad! I go get what tylenol I have and give Osiris his dosage amount. Give him some pedialyte and lay him down for a nap. ( I go sneak a nap for myself too hehe.) Once he woke up he was hotter than before. Temp 101.5. I give some more pedialyte and tylenol (at that point tylenol was empty now) and go start supper. After supper I take his temp and its 102. So I decided to take him to the Urgent Care Center. Doc there said with the symptoms he has Osiris has the Stomach Flu. Just how I wanted to spend my Mother's Day weekend. So we had to cancel going to Rick's moms tomorrow. I just don't want to get anyone down there sick also. I will be up alot tonight to check on him and check his temp. We did stop at Walgreens and get some more tylenol and motrin, a box of those cool forehead thingies haha, a box of temp reading sticker things for under the armpit.

Hoping he feels better tomorrow.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Girl name

I think I have found a girl name I really like. As most of you know I really like unique names to the US. So when I saw this I feel in love and know that I know how to say it I like it even better haha. The name is.....

Gender: Feminine

Usage: Greek Mythology

Other Scripts: Ιανθη (Ancient Greek)

Means "violet flower", derived from Greek ιον (ion) "violet" and ανθος (anthos) "flower". This was the name of an ocean nymph in Greek mythology.

It would be said EE-An-Thee. I love it and the meaning. The name would be Ianthe Marie R. I have no current ideas for a boy name. I am thinking girl since I am having horrible acne, and craving sweets. the chinese gender chart and other old wives tales all say girl. So we shall see later this year.

Appt Today

I had my nurse visit to get the appointments at the office started for this pregnancy. The nurses were all shocked I was back already. One nurse went to tell all the other nurses and she told me you know you can come to visit us without being pregnant, I laughed and told her but thats not as much fun haha. It was alittle small reunion. It was a good relaxing morning. A 15 minute appointment turned into 1hr with the nurse and 20 minutes with the lab tech to draw my blood. They wished me luck and told me if i need anything let them know. I have an ultrasound at the doctors office on Monday. Finally an ultrasound by someone who has a clue. Rick is taking me out tonight (with the kids also) for my Mother's Day dinner since this weekend we are going out town both days.

Aja didn't go to school today but she has loved spending the day at home today. So we are supposed to take the kids to the park once Sabrina gets home from school. Osiris is a bugger butt. He is climbing on the table as soon as the adult walks out of the room and then dances on the table. Its funny but not safe. I don't let him see me laugh either. Right now he is pushing a little rocking chair around on the floor and dancing to the music on a commercial. Thad is smiling at me and laughing because i keep asking him silly questions.

So far today it has started off and going much better than yesterday.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Pondering Life

I love my kids they are worth everything in the world to me. I love Rick but sometimes I really ask myself "Why?". He really doesn't seem to understand pregnancy at all and this is year number 3 in a row of it. By now you'd think he'd have some sort of clue! So I ponder life as to if I could make it on my own with 5 kids (after the baby is born). I know it would be hard but I know if I worked hard I could do it. Of course at first I would need my moms help to get settled and the sitter situation. Sometimes I also wonder why me? What did I do in life that was so wrong to have to be made to feel like this? ...... Rick and I grew up in different ways and they clash so much at times. I was always made to feel when I was a kid that my moms bed had a spot for me at times if needed. Not all the time but at times when she was going to nap once in awhile or at night if I was scared. Well Rick is absolutely against that. He has a hard time even letting me nurse at night because the baby would be sleeping in the bed until i woke up to move him/her or until the next feeding. At first I could tell you that everything was great with us but as time goes on more an more I realize that something just is not right here anymore. It makes me sad and angry at the same time. My stress level is so high my left eyebrow is always twitching. I prolly shouldn't make this post but I need to see it in writing for awhile before I delete it. So feel free to pass it on by.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Well its Monday

Sabrina's appt got moved from Riley to a local doctor. Insurance said since there was a local doctor they wouldn't pay for the Riley visit. Works for me since its a long drive and I always get super sleepy on the way back. It makes for a long day.

We are still awaiting for the results of Aja's last few tests. Osiris is a stinker. He is always on the go or into something.

I survived the weekend. Not sure how but I did. I've been cramping and trying to take it easier than before the cramping. So far no bleeding. If it gets more intense I am going to the ER.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Appts n more

Well I have my official nurse visit on May 8th and then my true 1st ob appt on May 15th. I am excited and cant wait. I am really wondering what the doctors face is going to be like when he sees me again. I am going to be seeing for my 1st appt the doctor that delivered Thad haha! My morning sickness is horrible. Since I can't keep anything down at all I am actually gaining weight because my body thinks its being starved. Lovely! Zofran is helping with it but i still cant eat much.

Sabrina has an appt now at Riley for a kidney ultrasound. I just can't seem to get my kids to get from there. I know she is scared that the ultrasound is going to hurt. I am trying to tell her it won't but i guess i will have to show her and be there for her when she has it.

Osiris has his 18 month check-up. Doctor said he is slightly concerned with his speak. So he has labeled him for right now as midly speech delayed. He is thrilled though with is ability to climb on everything and anything. So I guess we are praying that Osiris will learn to speak better by his 2yr check-up.

Aja is awaiting results of her test she had done last week. we should know the results of it by the end of may.

Thad is concerning me because he always wants to sleep again. He is not rolling over, he won't lay on his belly without a fit. The doctor is not concerned yet since Thad is a big growing boy. I am trying to work with him more. He is just so stiff its hard to move him sometimes.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Company Gone

I enjoy the help I receive from my dad and step-mom, but it throws the kids into total chaos mode. I am sure this happens with all kids who don't see grandparents too often. They really spoiled the girls and they loved it. Grandma was just overly excited and loving with Osiris and Thaddeus. The boys loved the attention, Thaddeus was all over grandma's loving, hugs, and kisses. It was sweet.

Aja starts her diet tracking tomorrow. This should be interesting.

not much to say tonight this time.

my morning sickness is really kicking my arse and im just so tired and want to hurl so badly.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Poor Aja

I got a phone call today from Riley hospital. I wasn't home so Rick took a message for me. I guess they want me to do a complete detail log of everything she eats, drinks, and everything I use to make the food for 3 days. So if the chicken has pam spray on it from the baking dish i have to list that. Then after that the day(here comes the TMI.. warned!) I will have then take some collections for testing. I feel so bad for her. She was so excited thinking she was done down there. i was excited to be done with the trips. I will just pray for a safe trip again n back like I always do. They are going to do another blood draw also once we are done with the collection process. I feel so bad for her. She is being okay active wise but there are times when she just wants to do nothing but lay down. I guess we will see what God has planned for her and the outcome of all of this.

The grandparents are in town visiting with the kids. My dad and step-mom drove in from AZ and are staying with us for about a week. The kids are excited. I am excited to maybe see if I can get them to babysit for a few hours so Rick and myself can go out alone haha! They don't get to see the kids often. Infact the last time they were in town was when I was pg with Osiris. They left and then a week and a half later he was born. They are just loving on the grandkids and enjoying it. I am going to make them a cd of all the pics we currently have of the kids so they can take it back with them. My step-mom does scrapbooking so this will give her something to help pass the time once she gets back home.

Sabrina's teacher had her baby on April 10th. Sabrina got to go visit the teacher and baby in the hospital, they were both excited. The teacher had her 1st c-section out of 4 kids. The baby was 10lbs 15ozs 21 1/2 inches. So she was a good size. I took her teacher dinner yesterday because i know how hard it can be to make supper when you get home after having a c-section and you have 3 other kids. I took her some chicken n noodles, real mashed potatoes, a fresh loaf of bread, brownies, and a jug of our water since we have RO water and she is living off bottle water.

Osiris and Thad are doing well. I go next Tuesday for my ultrasound and I am excited and scared!

Welp I hear Osiris crying because he is ready for bed so ta-ta for now.

Monday, April 6, 2009


I am back on lovenox this pregnancy. So I will be a high-risk pregnancy. The only plus side really is instead of waiting a month for a visit I will be going in every 2-3wks for awhile, once i start seeing the doctor. Insurance is not wanting to pay for the Lovenox. I have 10 syringes left from last year so I will start with those while we wait for the insurance to either pay, deny, or replace the lovenox with something similar and they will pay for.

Osiris is still sick. He is silly. He is so sleepy. He is rocking himself back n forth on the couch and falling asleep while he does it. he stops moving and sleeps for about 5 minutes, wakes up n starts the process again. Its so cute.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


I have a sinus infection! Ugh it sucks! I have some antibotic and just got it so hoping it starts working soon. I normally got a sinus infection before at about 10wks pg. So either im further along (which i dont feel can be possible since a blood pg test on Feb 27th was negative) then something else has to be going on.

Osiris has a cold and is mr. cranky-pants. He can't sleep for too long. I feel so bad. We will prolly end up sleeping on the couch together tonight. I'll sit up n hold him as we both sleep. I might call to get him into the doctor to make sure its nothing too bad. Heck he might has a sinus infection who knows. He barely wants to eat much or drink so i guess it really is possible.

Thaddeus doesn't seem to have any signs of anything yet. He's just still sleepy from his shots on Thursday. I am keeping an eye on him because I am worried about him getting a cold.

The girls are on spring break down at my moms. Their dad is a moron! I guess Aja has a cold. He knew he was only going to have them one night but she'd still have her cold. So instead of buying her medicine to take with her to my moms, he gives her alil some of what he had there and sends her grandma's with no medicine! Ugh!!! Sometimes I just really want to smack him or kick him really hard where it'd count haha!

Okay I guess time to take my snot fountain to a hot shower haha!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Doctors Office Confirmed

I had the doctors office do a pregnancy test today and it was confirmed "+". The nurse said it came back positive so quickly. haha! The doctor made a joke, "well he is 4 months so i guess it is about time *chuckle*." Rick is still in shock. We have decided this is it. I am not going to get anything permanent but I will have a Mirena IUC placed at the 6 wk check up after this baby is born. I will be due in Dec. Roughly going to say somewhere between Dec 9th thru Dec 18th. Somewhere in there. Won't know an exact date until I have an ultrasound done. the surgeon for my gallbladder removal decided that it would be best to wait to remove it after i deliver the baby.

Thaddeus had his 4 month check-up done today and he did well. He seems to have lost 2 inches in head circumference (sp?), the doctor said he thinks someone measured it wrong before. Thad weighed in at 17lbs 8ozs and 25 1/2 inches. He got his shots and did really well. He only cried for the second one because it burned going in. He stopped crying once the needle was taken out. He did well. He is sleeping now.

Spring break is next week for the girls are excited. I am too because it means i dont have to get up at 7am unless i want to because the boys are up haha!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

confirming tomorrow

Tomorrow I will have a doctors office confirmation on this but I did 2 HPT's at home today and both came back positive. one was a clearblue digital "PREGNANT" and the other EPT lines "+". I will have doctor confirm tomorrow. I have so many questions and concerns. I have placed several calls already this morning.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Help Me... hehe

1 week i will be having surgery. I am excited for the pain to go away, but scared out of my wits because there has only been twice in my life i've been out for something. 1 was my tonsils removed and 1 was when i had an ulcer check done. Neither one was after high school so my mom was always there waiting for me when I was done and comforting me. Now i am an adult and honestly im scared. I also have a freak out during something major and I am scared of what i will say or do before they get me knocked out for this.

Sabrina has another after school dentention tomorrow. She is not doing her school work or listening to the teacher. I have no idea what is going on and she won't talk to me. I am almost tempted to cry over all of this.

Aja had a field trip on Monday and oh man she had fun. She went to a healthworks museum which teaches kids how to keep their bodies healthy. She played on the slide mainly but she had a blast going down the slide off n on for pretty much 90mins haha!

Osiris went along on the field trip and he had a blast on the lightboard. they had a section of the floor that did a light show n osiris was in love haha. He had a blast though, came home n took a 3hr nap hehe.

Thaddeus goes on Friday for his 4 month check-up. I can't believe its that time already. It feels too soon for that but yet feels like he is older than that. hehe i am so weird i know.

I am ready for #5 to start now, but not going to rush it or try, just let it happen when it happens.

My nephew was born last friday, weighing in at 7lbs 10ozs and 19 inches long. I will get to see him Easter Saturday when I go pick up the girls from my mom and stepdads. While on the phone with my mom as she was telling me the details of his birth, her and i laughed at something. My oldest nephew will be 3 in sept, osiris will be 2 in october, thad will be 1 in nov, and so far no birth in dec. so 3,2,1,0 haha! Intersting yet kind of creepy at the same time.

I ordered some Lactate support to help with my nursing. I am not ready to admit defeat yet. I want to give it one last hooraw and see what happens.

I will be having a yard sale sometime soon to sell some of my deal goodies. I have loads and well wont charge an arm or leg for it. Im going to sell it cheap so i can help others and make a lil profit on it.

well i guess for now that alls i have to say/write/tell.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Few Things

Well I have my surgery scheduled for 4-8-09 @ 11:45am. The day before Sabrina turns 7. 7yrs ago at that time I was in a hospital being induced. What are the odds of that happening? Being in the hospital 7yrs to the exact day for something. Depending on the girls dad will depend on what happens. I know their dad is coming up for Sabrina's party on Saturday the 4th. He might just take them home with him and then take them to my moms later but not sure. If not my mom will get the girls on Wednesday morning and take me to the hospital on her way out of town. Then Rick and the boys will have to come get me.

We are not sure what is going on with Sabrina. She is getting in trouble a lot lately. She had after-school detention last week. She has had 4 days of color changes. Different levels of warnings before she is really in trouble. This really all started too when her dad told her that him n his mom were coming to visit on Sunday. After she heard that she started not paying attention. Hrmm anyone else find that odd? I know I do. Aja also has been a pita lately since hearing her dad was coming. I don't think either of the girls expected him to show but he did. they went to CEC (Chuck E Cheese) and spent about 2hrs there.

the boys are doing well. I think Thad might have a cold, all he seems to want to do is sleep lately. Osiris actually slept thru the night 2 nights in a row WOOHOO!! *knocks on wood* I wonder how long it will last, though.

Last night we had a visitor at the house at 4am. They were shining their very bright spotlight into the bedroom window. The police were looking for someone connected with a homicide in Cassopolis, MI. They were told his address was ours. Nope its not. The cop did say he bets it was the house 2 doors up from ours but they just up and moved in less than 1 day on sunday. Interesting too. The homicide happened on march 9th and the lady n her kids n friends all moved by sunday. Interesting huh? I didn't think so when i was woke up from a nice deep sleep. I made the mistake of going back to sleep and then slept like crap. HA!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Aja's Appt

Well on early afternoon Thursday Aja and myself loaded up into the van for our journey down to Riley. I really hate that drive for a 10-20 minute appt. I get her set-up with her dvd player and dora movie, then I get myself read for the boring drive -- removing my shoes, jacket, and opening my can of coke. We take off and settle in. We stop in Kokomo for a potty break and lunch. We continue down the road and arrive at Riley. Aja was really good all the way there. Her appt went well for the most part. Her doctor said she was gaining well and growing. He is running some blood work to check her bone growth levels, since she has been complaining her legs hurt alot. He also ordered a rerun of a stool culture test to check for fat. So as long as both of those come back normal then she is done down at Riley. Let me tell ya I will be glad to stop going there. I will miss some of the parents/kids we encounter there and make friends with.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

See Surgeon Next Tuesday

I see the general surgeon next Tuesday for my gallbladder removal. Hopefully it goes well. I am actually very scared to have this surgery but not afraid of a c-section hehehehe, go figure. I got my script for Zoloft again today and praying it kicks in soon so I can feel better again.

Sabrina is doing really well in school. I visited her last week 2 days for lunch. I am crazy because the school lunch food was actually good. the pizza on Friday OH MAN just like I remember school pizza.

Aja is looking forward to our Mommy/Daughter day on Thursday. She likes it when we go alone because it means we has me all to her self for at least 7hrs haha.

Osiris has been a major ham lately, when he is not screaming his head off. I just love the way he cheesy smiles at us. He loved the weather last week, he got to play outside.

Thaddeus has finally been staying awake longer during the day. He is growing so fast, someone make him stop please or at least slow down. I miss him being my tiny newborn. Now he is my chunky baby hehe. He is so precious and sweet though.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Long couple weeks

Well, the kids are feeling better for the most part. Thaddeus has a cold again. He was taken outside last night in only a onesie. I didn't do that but we won't go into those details right now. Hopefully he will get over this cold very soon.

Sabrina's program for Black History went well. She did really good. I will sometime soon get the video uploaded to myspace. She is doing really well in school. she is "forgetting" to do some homework but only because she claims to forget just because she doesn't want to do it. Smart kid huh?

Aja is excited for her field trip later this month. She is also excited to be back in school but upset she has to leave 1/2 day. She will im sure get used to it soon and if not then well school only has 2 more months to go haha!

Osiris is a smarty pants. He is getting on his tip-toes and trying to turn the door knobs. I guess he has spent alot of time watching everyone else do it now he wants to be like us. He is loving the nice spring like weather we have been having. He has been able to go outside and play with his sisters and the dogs. I can already tell he is going to have a blast this summer outside.

Thaddeus like I said has a cold. He is doing alright with it really. He is not liking the formula too much, though. So mommy went and got some Fenugreek so I can make enough breastmilk for him. Hopefully it will kick in soon and start working. I had to take it once before when I was nursing Aja and it worked wonders. I am really hoping for the same thing again this time.

Aja has her final appointment at Riley on Thursday, I am ready for the appointment because that means last time I have to make a 6hr round trip for a 15 minute appointment.

The girls dad is purchasing them a mini-van which of course they can't drive so I guess I am getting a mini-van haha! I am very thankful to him and can't tell him enough.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Sniffles and sneezes and crankiness galore

It seems all 4 kids have the sniffles, sneezes and major crankiness. I am out of OTC cold medicine and no one told me. So its all 5 of us packed into the bathroom with the steam built up. HA! Great picture in our tiny bathroom. Sabrina seems to be doing better than the rest, maybe its because she does a steroid inhaler twice daily and the other 3 don't.

Thaddeus is growing up so fast. Make him stop someone please haha! This last week he has really started being awake more. I know I know by now most other babies are already doing that but i enjoyed him sleeping because it gave me a reason to lay the others down for a nap and take one myself hehe.

Osiris has a new found love of Spongebob band-aids haha, goofy kid. He got a scratch on the back of his leg behind the knee. I put a big Spongebob band-aide back there and at first he cried. Now its a cool to him. I took it off to change it and he threw a fit. It was funny but once he got a new band-aid on it he thought he was as cool as the sliced bread.

Aja is a goofball. She has decided she wants to live in a house made of pillows. She is proud of herself for making one on the couch and not falling off haha!

Sabrina is in a school program tonight about Black History. She has a speaking part so this should be good. haha! She is excited but I am tired and not wanting to go but already RSVP'ed so go I must.

I am doing already but I have whatever the kids have but worse. I have a sore throat, sniffles, sneezes, crankiness, tiredness, and complete blahness. I go see the hema tomorrow so shall be interesting to see what we find out. We will be re-running some blood work to check some things to find out if I have any major blood problems.

I guess for now everyone take care. I will update after the program with some pics.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Funny Kids

My kids are wonderful really. Sabrina is a big help with entertaining Aja and Osiris when I am feeding Thaddeus. I just wish she wasn't such a poster child blonde ha!

This weekend we cleaned up the girls rooms. Not even 2hrs after we cleaned sabrina's room she had all the papers back all over the floor. When asked why she did that "i don't know, i forgot". I wanted to scream and laugh at the same time. So on sunday she was helping me with laundry as a punishment, Sabrina decides to tell me she is going to be a coupon clipping cheerleader when she gets older. I can see it now she will be clipping coupons while cheering for the football team. She'll find a really good one and yell for a time-out so she can focus on it before clipping haha!

Aja is always calling rick or myself Mrs. C (her preschool teachers name). She will follow up by "oops i mean mommy". I always mean to ask Mrs C if Aja ever calls her mommy or rick haha! Rick was helping Aja get on the mac to play a game. Aja picked a game that suggests children under 4 not play it. Well Rick said sorry Aja your not 4 yet your not supposed to play it. She immediately said "well darn i wanted to play guess I never will because I am going to be 3 forever" HAHA! We both laughed so hard. I've heard about wanting to be young but man staying 3 forever. no thanks.

Getting Started

I will make this post short and sweet. I mean can't be on too long since I have a human eatting machine attached to me haha. I love my life (at times - the times I don't are when I am fighting with Rick). We have a good life. 4 Healthy and happy children, 3 spoiled dogs and a beautiful house in mid-remodel.

Sabrina is a booger head, really she is. I know be nice but I will explain haha. Sabrina is so smart she acts stupid. She is in 1st grade and reading at a 3rd grade level. She is extremely smart but refuses to do her homework. She feels she doesn't need to. Her teacher made the comment that if it wasn't for the fact that she notices Sabrina has a hard time making friends for a week or so, or else the teacher would suggest she be jumped a grade. I will admit I am not ready for her to start 3rd grade next year.

Aja is funny. She LOVES to throw the biggest fit over anything at all. It is funny but very annoying. She can play all by herself at all the time, and she will fight with herself. Its cute. I have never known a child to fight with themself and refuse to play haha.

Osiris is a ham. He is such a goof. He will give you this look of "what I didn't do it" then BIG OLE grin with his face tilted back. Its hilarious. He found a new love of shoes. I finally found some that fit him and he LOVES them. Sometimes I can't get them off him. He loves the sound they make when he walks (runs) around the house.

Thaddeus is my mr magoo. I swear to me he reminds me of Mr. Magoo and not in a bad way but a silly old man cute way haha! I know I am horrbile. hehe. Right now Thad has decided he is done eatting and is talking to me its so sweet and cute. Now if only he would decide to eat on a normal schedule instead of changing it up every single day.

for now this will be all until I get some kids down for naps and I can focus more on what I was doing haha.
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