Thursday, October 22, 2009


Okay so I am ready to scream. I am so tired of being made to feel like its MY JOB and ONLY MY JOB! to raise the kids. Granted I know the girls are mine fine, I'll do my job with them. But he is the step-dad and is supposed to be helping in that department but whatever. Now he is the father of the boys and I still get no damn help!!!

I have to try and cram all of my appts and any appts for the kids in on a Monday. Okay fine organization for him but whatever. I am so close to breaking and being over this. I honestly feel I'd handle things better on my own knowing that an adult in the house is not doing their part since it will all fall on me anyways. I mean is it so wrong to feel that the other adult in the house who helped bring 2 of the current 4 into this world help in their raising? I guess it is since I don't get any help. I ask for help and get felt to feel like my feeling of needing help doesn't matter at all.

I am doing my best but I am not sure how much longer that will be good enough or even work. ........................

Anyways, Leo looks to be a big boy. Monday I had an ultrasound done and he was showing to be 4lbs 13ozs at 32wks. His head was measuring in for the size of a 35wker. Based on the avg of all the measurements he is measuring on track to be ready for delivery on Dec 1st..... 12 days before my EDD. Big baby who hopefully will be completely healthy.

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