Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy Flipping New Year

Another year has come and gone. I still have yet to see my children, whom I miss so very much it hurts. I am sure they are growing like weeds. I wonder if they ask about me, think about me or even love me anymore. I love them so much and will always love them no matter the outcome. I got some good news the other day and well lets just say it was an spirit uplifting type of good news. Don't want to share fully just yet incase the wrong person gets the info and tries to use it in an evil manner.

I am working and praying each and every day. My support gets paid - i hope it is being used on the boys and not the business bills. I hope some day God can show me he has forgiven me for my sins and will some how let the kids dads know that I am a changed for the better person now.

Being a bi-polar depressed woman sucks. I have to fight hard each and every day to over come my fears, thoughts, and everything else. I take my medicine but it doesn't always feel as though it works. some days it feels like I am fighting this fight alone. other days i feel like I can take on the world by myself and win!

May 2014 bring new wonders, love, and trials my way so that I can continue down the right path towards a being a better person.
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