Thursday, February 26, 2009

Sniffles and sneezes and crankiness galore

It seems all 4 kids have the sniffles, sneezes and major crankiness. I am out of OTC cold medicine and no one told me. So its all 5 of us packed into the bathroom with the steam built up. HA! Great picture in our tiny bathroom. Sabrina seems to be doing better than the rest, maybe its because she does a steroid inhaler twice daily and the other 3 don't.

Thaddeus is growing up so fast. Make him stop someone please haha! This last week he has really started being awake more. I know I know by now most other babies are already doing that but i enjoyed him sleeping because it gave me a reason to lay the others down for a nap and take one myself hehe.

Osiris has a new found love of Spongebob band-aids haha, goofy kid. He got a scratch on the back of his leg behind the knee. I put a big Spongebob band-aide back there and at first he cried. Now its a cool to him. I took it off to change it and he threw a fit. It was funny but once he got a new band-aid on it he thought he was as cool as the sliced bread.

Aja is a goofball. She has decided she wants to live in a house made of pillows. She is proud of herself for making one on the couch and not falling off haha!

Sabrina is in a school program tonight about Black History. She has a speaking part so this should be good. haha! She is excited but I am tired and not wanting to go but already RSVP'ed so go I must.

I am doing already but I have whatever the kids have but worse. I have a sore throat, sniffles, sneezes, crankiness, tiredness, and complete blahness. I go see the hema tomorrow so shall be interesting to see what we find out. We will be re-running some blood work to check some things to find out if I have any major blood problems.

I guess for now everyone take care. I will update after the program with some pics.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Funny Kids

My kids are wonderful really. Sabrina is a big help with entertaining Aja and Osiris when I am feeding Thaddeus. I just wish she wasn't such a poster child blonde ha!

This weekend we cleaned up the girls rooms. Not even 2hrs after we cleaned sabrina's room she had all the papers back all over the floor. When asked why she did that "i don't know, i forgot". I wanted to scream and laugh at the same time. So on sunday she was helping me with laundry as a punishment, Sabrina decides to tell me she is going to be a coupon clipping cheerleader when she gets older. I can see it now she will be clipping coupons while cheering for the football team. She'll find a really good one and yell for a time-out so she can focus on it before clipping haha!

Aja is always calling rick or myself Mrs. C (her preschool teachers name). She will follow up by "oops i mean mommy". I always mean to ask Mrs C if Aja ever calls her mommy or rick haha! Rick was helping Aja get on the mac to play a game. Aja picked a game that suggests children under 4 not play it. Well Rick said sorry Aja your not 4 yet your not supposed to play it. She immediately said "well darn i wanted to play guess I never will because I am going to be 3 forever" HAHA! We both laughed so hard. I've heard about wanting to be young but man staying 3 forever. no thanks.

Getting Started

I will make this post short and sweet. I mean can't be on too long since I have a human eatting machine attached to me haha. I love my life (at times - the times I don't are when I am fighting with Rick). We have a good life. 4 Healthy and happy children, 3 spoiled dogs and a beautiful house in mid-remodel.

Sabrina is a booger head, really she is. I know be nice but I will explain haha. Sabrina is so smart she acts stupid. She is in 1st grade and reading at a 3rd grade level. She is extremely smart but refuses to do her homework. She feels she doesn't need to. Her teacher made the comment that if it wasn't for the fact that she notices Sabrina has a hard time making friends for a week or so, or else the teacher would suggest she be jumped a grade. I will admit I am not ready for her to start 3rd grade next year.

Aja is funny. She LOVES to throw the biggest fit over anything at all. It is funny but very annoying. She can play all by herself at all the time, and she will fight with herself. Its cute. I have never known a child to fight with themself and refuse to play haha.

Osiris is a ham. He is such a goof. He will give you this look of "what I didn't do it" then BIG OLE grin with his face tilted back. Its hilarious. He found a new love of shoes. I finally found some that fit him and he LOVES them. Sometimes I can't get them off him. He loves the sound they make when he walks (runs) around the house.

Thaddeus is my mr magoo. I swear to me he reminds me of Mr. Magoo and not in a bad way but a silly old man cute way haha! I know I am horrbile. hehe. Right now Thad has decided he is done eatting and is talking to me its so sweet and cute. Now if only he would decide to eat on a normal schedule instead of changing it up every single day.

for now this will be all until I get some kids down for naps and I can focus more on what I was doing haha.
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