Thursday, February 26, 2009

Sniffles and sneezes and crankiness galore

It seems all 4 kids have the sniffles, sneezes and major crankiness. I am out of OTC cold medicine and no one told me. So its all 5 of us packed into the bathroom with the steam built up. HA! Great picture in our tiny bathroom. Sabrina seems to be doing better than the rest, maybe its because she does a steroid inhaler twice daily and the other 3 don't.

Thaddeus is growing up so fast. Make him stop someone please haha! This last week he has really started being awake more. I know I know by now most other babies are already doing that but i enjoyed him sleeping because it gave me a reason to lay the others down for a nap and take one myself hehe.

Osiris has a new found love of Spongebob band-aids haha, goofy kid. He got a scratch on the back of his leg behind the knee. I put a big Spongebob band-aide back there and at first he cried. Now its a cool to him. I took it off to change it and he threw a fit. It was funny but once he got a new band-aid on it he thought he was as cool as the sliced bread.

Aja is a goofball. She has decided she wants to live in a house made of pillows. She is proud of herself for making one on the couch and not falling off haha!

Sabrina is in a school program tonight about Black History. She has a speaking part so this should be good. haha! She is excited but I am tired and not wanting to go but already RSVP'ed so go I must.

I am doing already but I have whatever the kids have but worse. I have a sore throat, sniffles, sneezes, crankiness, tiredness, and complete blahness. I go see the hema tomorrow so shall be interesting to see what we find out. We will be re-running some blood work to check some things to find out if I have any major blood problems.

I guess for now everyone take care. I will update after the program with some pics.

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