Sunday, April 5, 2009


I have a sinus infection! Ugh it sucks! I have some antibotic and just got it so hoping it starts working soon. I normally got a sinus infection before at about 10wks pg. So either im further along (which i dont feel can be possible since a blood pg test on Feb 27th was negative) then something else has to be going on.

Osiris has a cold and is mr. cranky-pants. He can't sleep for too long. I feel so bad. We will prolly end up sleeping on the couch together tonight. I'll sit up n hold him as we both sleep. I might call to get him into the doctor to make sure its nothing too bad. Heck he might has a sinus infection who knows. He barely wants to eat much or drink so i guess it really is possible.

Thaddeus doesn't seem to have any signs of anything yet. He's just still sleepy from his shots on Thursday. I am keeping an eye on him because I am worried about him getting a cold.

The girls are on spring break down at my moms. Their dad is a moron! I guess Aja has a cold. He knew he was only going to have them one night but she'd still have her cold. So instead of buying her medicine to take with her to my moms, he gives her alil some of what he had there and sends her grandma's with no medicine! Ugh!!! Sometimes I just really want to smack him or kick him really hard where it'd count haha!

Okay I guess time to take my snot fountain to a hot shower haha!

1 comment:

  1. OMG this weather is making everyone sick! It is snowing right now!!! wth?

    Anyway, feel better soon! You have lots of ppl depending on you :)


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