Monday, May 11, 2009

Offical EDD

I have my official EDD 12/13/2009. I still find it hard to believe that I got a positive result at 3wks 4days pregnant. My mom said anything is possible. I just wonder if the baby is measuring small with being on the lovenox? I guess really no way to tell. I will take the EDD. My mom wants me to try and hold out to have my c-section until 12/9 so i can deliver on my birthday. I told her depends on when my favorite doctor will be on. below is a pic from the ultrasound from today.

1 comment:

  1. We found out at 3 weeks as well - which is technically 1 week after conception. It happens. :o) It does make for a long pregnancy, though. I felt like mine was going on forever and I only lasted until 26 weeks! Eesh. Imagine how drained I would have been by 37.

    Congrats and take it easy.


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