Friday, May 29, 2009


How is it my fault his bank account over-drafted 97 cents? when he is the one who told me to use his account to pay the recycling bill from there? I mean I was going to use the business account but he insisted on his personal account! UGH!!!! He now expects me to pay his over draft charge. Uh not happening, no way! I have enough things to pay for for each week. I am the one that does the main covering of purchases for all the kids. He only helps with things if I don't have enough each week to get everything.

I could scream and smack him. I am so tired Osiris woke up at 6:15a and I had to get up with him and i am ready for a nap but nope can't do that because he can't watch the kids for an hr or so.

okay done venting for now.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry Kat :( Dh's suck sometimes! Hopefully you two can get somethings worked out. Put your foot down until he behaves!


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